Difference between revisions of "We Are Legion (Guild)"

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==External links==
==External links==
* [wearelegionsk.guildportal.com Guild forum]
* [[http://wearelegionsk.guildportal.com Guild forum]

Revision as of 04:17, 13 August 2011

We Are Legion is a casual Guild created mostly for the purpose of friendly discussion and easier partying.

We Are Legion
GuildLogo-We Are Legion.png


Guild Founder: Helioflex
Approx. Population: 11
Guild Master(s):

Helioflex, The-Almighty-Zero

Guild Officer(s):

Aialjeta, Astar, Krasnov, Order-Shar


One day, Helioflex was rockin' face on some wimp Jellies when he thought "whoa dude, what if I had a Guild?" Then he made one.


We Are Legion has two basic rules: 1. Don't be a jerk. If you make others uncomfortable or annoy the officers, you're out. 2. No begging. 'Ever'.

The environment of We Are Legion is pretty.

Interpreting Your Rank

RECRUIT: Recruits are basically in a Trial period. It won't take a whole lot of annoying behavior to get yourself kicked. Inactivity is tolerated less with recruits as well.

MEMBER: You are a member of the team. A friend of the Guild. A bro of the dudes. Broceratops. Broseidon, king of the brocean. If you're Member or above, nobody in the guild is allowed to look down on you.

VETERAN: This rank is fairly unused here. Occasionally, if someone's been around a long time, they get promoted to this rank, but this is rare and usually the most awesome Members go straight to Officer.

OFFICER: Officers are the few members that are very close to the GMs. These are the people we trust to administrate when we're away. Needless to say, they're pretty awesome people.

External links

Personal tools