Difference between revisions of "Gods of Spiral (Guild)"

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* Troika - 2 normal damage sword possibilities, one with freeze and one with stun
* Troika - 2 normal damage sword possibilities, one with freeze and one with stun
* '''Guns'''
=== Armor ===
=== Armor ===

Revision as of 16:47, 7 December 2011

Gods of Spiral
GuildLogo-Gods of Spiral.png

A better icon will always be appreciated

Guild Founder: Scarkro
Approx. Population: 89
Guild Master(s):
  • Linacakes
  • Ajqtrz
  • Scarkro
Guild Officer(s):

Recently a likely overzealous Scarkro demoted a lot of people. Here are remaining officers/ex-officers and most recent play dates of exes

  • Addisona
  • Arbituser
  • Chorouu
  • Drdrj
  • Fastmerchant
  • Firetatay
  • Jocasta
  • Justinputra
  • Kijina 11/25
  • Lightknighto 11/24
  • Ludic
  • Skatenisse 11/26
  • Thatguywiththegun 11/26
  • Trogdon

We are a guild. Nothing is posted here at the moment because a lot of things are still up in the air. This page was really just created to give future content-adders something to build on, as well as create a location for discussion and posting of ideas for a likely reorganization/enhancement of the guild. It will eventually evolve into a thorough guild page, with tips, announcements and such. If you're confused about how to change the little info-box on the right go to: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Help:Creating_a_guild_page.

General Message Board

Post whatever relevant news you have here. If anyone actually posts anything here, please head it in bold by preceding and following the header with 3 equals signs. Also leave a date

Mass demotions 12/4

Recently I (Addisona), Arbituser, Scarkro and Ajqtrz got together and did a general housecleaning. Scarkro may have been a little over-excited and wound up demoting all officers who hadn't been on that same day. One even got on as Scarkro got off. Anyway, we will probably eventually remedy the situation, but being an officer is going to be a responsibility, not just a priveledge, from now on. You will not return to your officer status if you do not intend to get involved with and share some of the burden of running the guild. More people may be demoted if they choose not to be a part of running the guild. Please be understanding that losing officer status is really not much of a status shift; being a veteran is a new equivalent of being an officer.

Update: some officers were re-promoted. they and the other demoted veterans will likely be asked if they want to play an officer-esque role in the guild.

Proposed Structure 12/5

This is a simple structure for the guild.

Veteran - full 3* equip

Member - 2 3* equips

Recruit - full 2*

Applicant - nice person, 2 2*

Update from AJ (Ajqrtz) 12/5

Thanks, Addi for this Wiki start page. The information is great and much needed. I will be speaking with officers regarding various roles and duties and what they think should be done over the next few days. When I am done (and others can certainly do the same) we will get together and discuss the various duties and the overall structure of GOS. My vision, and I believe the vision of all involved, is to make GOS an elite and premier guild in the SK world. To do this we must have structure, discipline, and a willingness to work together and work hard. A bit of humor and graciousness doesn't hurt either.

Because we want to be successful I think the purpose of the guild is to bring together knights who believe in a disciplined and orderly approach to making each individual knight the most successful knight he or she can be. Over time I believe we can do this best by combining resources in the Clockworks and above the Clockworks. A team working together is always far stronger than individuals working alone.

If you have questions or concerns, if you just have ideas, and even if you have complaints, please do not hesitate to send them to me, approach me, corner me, or otherwise bug me with them. I like new ideas, fresh faces and good challenging (polite) debate. So bring it on.

And while you are at it, thank Addisona for the work on the Wiki page. I know it took some time to set up and it was done well.


Officer Duties

There are 10 offices and therefore 10 officers. They are as follows:

2 Recruitment officers (Candidate and Recruit) 2 Resource Officers (Crowns and Materials) 2 Training officers (First and Second) 2 Adjudicant Officers (First and Second) 1 Wiki Officer 1 Officer-at-Large

Recruitment Officers:

The Candidate Officer (CSO) is responsible for contacting potential recruits. At the request of a Veteran or above he or she contacts, interviews, and evaluates the candidates potential to be successful as a GOS guild member. Integrity, generousity, and teamwork should be observed by participating with the candidate in at lest one run by either the Candidate officer or a suragate appointed by him or her at or above the rank of Veteran and not previously a friend to or familiar with the candidate. This is the first "weeding out" and it should not be surprising that some, and perhaps many, condidates do not make the grade.

The Recruit Officer (RCO) tracks each of the new recruits to insure they are progressing at a satisfactory rate. Working with the First Training officer the Recruit Officer makes sure each recruit is trained in tactics, strategy and teamwork to the highest of standards. In addition the Recruit officer will need to insure that recruit has the proper equipment or is makeing the necessary progress toward acquiring that equipment. When both the Recruit Officer and the First Training Officer recommend a Recruit be raised to Member and that Recruit has the proper equipment a GM will be notified and the Recruit will be promnoted.

Resource Officers:

The Crowns Officer (CRO) is responsible for carrying the Guilds purse. All crowns owned by the guild collectively go to this Officer and each transaction is reported to one or two of the GM's. This officer is responsible for protecting the guilds purse and receiving donations and making disbursements at the request of a GM. Nothing is spent without a GM authorization but donations can be made anonymously or not, as the giver desires. Our first report tells us we have 2500 crowns in our account. You might note that when a Veteran does a run with candidates, or any other guild sponsored run, it is proper and right that that veteran be recompensed for the expenditure of crystal energy needed to make that run. At first, until our coffers become larter, it may not feasible to do so but with the generousity of our members and perhaps with some additional fees or dues we can make it so.

The Materials Officer (MAO) is responsible for carrying the Guilds Materials. Materials (or "mats") are used for crafting and it is thought that if we combined our materials we may save each other a lot of time and effort collecting some items. In addition materials have crown value and we can use them to reward good and faithful services rendered.

Training Officers

The First Training Officer (FTO) is responsible for insuring recruits are trained in the strategies, tactics and attitudes necessary to become a sucessful member of GOS. He or she must evaluate or receive evaluations from Veterans or above regarding the recruits level of activity and improvement. With the Recruit Officer he or she recommends or does not recommend the advancement of the Recruit to Member status.

The Second Training Officer (STO) is responsible for advanced training of Members. He or she works with the FTO and veterans to introduce any advanced, improved, or newly introduced tactics and strategies. He or she will also make recommendations regarding promotion to Veteran status or, should the need arise, for demotion to Recruit if a player is in need of remedial training. Together with the FTO and a team of three to five Veterans this officer is responsible for designing the training curriculum.

Adjudant Officers

In every group conflict can arise. The First Adjudant Officer (FAO) adjudicates between members who have a disagreement. He or she interviews the parties, investates the claims as much as necessary, and makes a determination. If the parties are generous and displaying the spirit of cooperation expected of them the matter will be generally settled at this level. Failure to perform as the FAO has determined shold be done may result in the FAO recommending to the GM's that the knight be suspended. Appeal of any FAO's decisions should be rare and can only be done to a GM. A final appeal may be addressed to the 3 GM's as a board. In all cases of appeal if the GM or GM's do not think the appeal has merit they may refuse the case altogether.

The Second Adjudant Officer (SAO) takes over when the FAO is either too closely tied to one of the paries (or both) or otherwise feels he or she cannot be fully fair. The SAO then performs the duties of the FAO in the same manner. Appeals are, as in the case of the FAO, to a GM and if necessary to the 3 GM's. Again, the GM and/or GM's may refuse to hear the case and let the decision of the SAO stand unchanged or they may hear the case and make their own decision regarding the matter.

If the unlikely event that one of the Adjudant Officers is involved in a dispute the case will be heard by a GM with appeal to the 3 GM's allowed.

And finally, if a GM is involved in a case the FAO and SAO will appoint an independent 3 Veteran panel to judge the case and make the final decision. From this panel no appeal can be made. This protects the players from an errant GM and gives balance to the power the GM's have.

Wiki Officer

The Wiki Officer (WKO) is the primary communications officer. He or she posts the official record of things happening, things needed, things done and things left to do. He or she has final approval of postings and is only subject to override by the 3 GM's acting in concert. The Wiki page should, and currently does, reflect the overal needs of the guild and provides a summary of much of the information a member needs to function within the Guild. All guild members, including recruits, are responsible for knowing what is on our Wiki page. We encourage each member to read it at least once a week.


The Officer-At-Large (OAL) is the player assigned special projects and an acting GM if no GM's are currently online and some matter must be decided. This player assists the other officers and does not out-rank them except, as stated above, no GM is available and the matter must be decided immediately. This Officer's decisions should be treated as a GM's when they occur, but can be appealed if necessary to the GM's. From time to time the GM's may assign a special project to the OAL but overall this officer is responsible for taking some of the burdens off of other officers.

Final Remarks

These are the officer duties as we understand them today and as I envision them to be. Some positions have been filled at least temporarily while others await volunteers. It may be that you are an officer and do not wish to take on any of these responsibilities. It may be that you are eager to do so. In either case please contact me regarding your desire. Those officers who which to be demoted to Veteran status may do so without prediduce. Those who have other ideas about officer duties may certainly make suggestions. We will listen. And those who wish to take on any of the specific responsibilites listed above may notify me of their desire.

Officers duties are not easy. If you are not an officer you may want to encourage and support whatever officer you come into contact with. Praise and "thank you's" are always welcome.



List of Guild Members
Guild Masters
  • Scarkro
  • Ajqtrz
  • Linacakes
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name

Advanced Gameplay (Teir 2 Briefing)

This section is designed to help t1ers understand the more complicated aspects of the game, and help them move into t2 without too much trouble. t2ers who are still unclear on some things should skim through this.


The damage system in Spiral Knights is based off 4 types of damage: Normal, Elemental, Piercing and Shadow. Both monsters and knights use the same damage system. Normal hits all monsters equally, and elemental, piercing, and shadow each have 2 monster types they get a bonus on, 2 they hit for no bonus or loss, and one type that they can barely hurt. Each monster type will generally deal it's own damage type, mixed with normal damage. In some cases they stray from this. Your own attack damage type is determined by your weapons; each has it's own damage type(s). Your own weaknesses/resistances are determined by your armors. Further info on this topic at http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Damage.

Monster Type Damage Type Weak To Neutral To Strongly Resistant To
Gate Icon-Slime.png Slime Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Beast.png Beast Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Gremlin Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Construct.png Construct Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Fiend.png Fiend Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow
Gate Icon-Undead.png Undead Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow


This section is designed to help you find what type of equipments you want to use. This is because at this point in the game equipment stops being so cheap; you can't just buy anything and try it out.


First you need to determine what types of weapons you want to use. Start out with no more than 4 and do not rent weapon slots yet, they cost a fortune. While you can use just one you will either have to use a normal weapon or use an unsuitable weapon half the time. 2-3 is the ideal number of weapons. First pick out what weapon types you want to carry. If you have not yet tried out bombs I suggest you buy a really cheap 2-star blast bomb. Find which weapon types you're best with, and use them. Holding more than one of the same type of weapon grants you the ability to pick the right one for the situation, and only using one type of weapon will allow you to buy a set of armor that grants attack bonuses for that weapon type.

  • Swords

Depending on if you are carrying more than one sword, you will want to pick a normal sword or a sword with a damage type. Do normal if you only carry one. Next decide how fast you want your sword to be. This should be based on how good you are about predicting enemy attacks. A fast one will allow you to stop at any point, a slow one requires more foresight. Following are the VIABLE options.

Fast Swords

  • Final Flourish - Piercing
  • Barbarous Thorn Blade - Piercing flourish with different charge attack
  • Dread Venom Striker - Normal

Medium Swords

  • Brandish - Comes in elemental and shadow. 3 statuses for elemental: Fire, Shock, Freeze
  • Calibur - 2 normal damage sword possibilities, one with undead bonus.

Slow Swords

  • Sealed Sword - Comes in elemental and shadow
  • Troika - 2 normal damage sword possibilities, one with freeze and one with stun
  • Guns



Going to the gate map (gear menu) shows you the monster and special condition themes of the level, as well as the style. Use this to pick the right equips for the situation. More on gates can be found at http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gate

Level combinations
Background colors Icon colors
Personal tools