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*N/A (Not Available)
*N/A (Not Available)
Please note that to us, ranking isn't really the thing that matters. For example you don't have to be calling guild masters the "boss" or something like that by anyways. Even if you are a recruit, you're a veteran, or any sort. As long as everyone, all of us are friends, we're happy with it.
== '''Guild Members''' ==
== '''Guild Members''' ==

Revision as of 07:58, 23 February 2012

SMC Wiki Top.jpg
Shadow Mercenaries
GuildLogo-Shadow Mercenaries.png

Everything we see is a shadow, cast by which we could not see

Guild Founder: Rgn-Vertigo
Approx. Population: 60

Website: http://sksmc.proboards.com/


The shadows and lights... As one we may be, but as two, we both show our own symbols of individuality.

Shadow Mercenaries is a guild of next-generation knights which provides a strong collaborative effort all together to completely finish any objective that comes to us. Our aim is to be able to have fun with each other while servicing many of the neighboring knights in the community by helping them on runs, defeating bosses, and all sorts of things that may come in the future. But of course, also not forgetting to always have fun! Skill and gear is not by any means a huge factor in recruitment. We're not looking for full 5* players, nor players who have to be 'the best' or very skillful of any sort. If you just enjoy the Spiral Community and just want to boost your experience through playing with guilds, that's amazing~!

If you would like to have an escort run through any stages or bosses, feel free to send a mail to "Rgn-Vertigo" or "Acerosys" ingame.


Shadow Mercenaries was formed since May 17, 2011 by Rgn-Vertigo.

He that takes truth for his guide, and duty for his end, may safely trust to God's providence to lead him enlightenment.

Setting off, and the meeting of Alvell

As Shadow Mercenaries started off, Rgn-Vertigo along with the aid of his close friends Khamronsin and System-Breaker ventures along the edges of the Spiral Community in hopes to being able to help people finish off bosses (Such as Lord Vanaduke, The Royal Jelly, etc...) and as well as to have fun with each other as possible. After a while, they started off to dig in deeper into the community as for their goal of recruiting, and training people whom are potential as someday to become 'someone' that could help others. Along the journey, Vertigo came across a man with the same intentions, but however he is looking for a guild-- In which this person... Is Alvell. With the aid of Alvell, the guild's population in 2-3 months time increased deliberately fast with many passionate members from various different regions across the globe.

Forteds, and Djbiomas

Forteds was a lone wolf in a guild traveling down in the clockworks with his closest companion, Yuujinchou and met Vertigo randomly in a run. He later revealed the story of how his old guild mistreated their members, and he is trying to do something about it. With this said, Vertigo had offered Forteds and Yuujinchou into Shadow Mercenaries believing that "Together, we can make a difference". Until very today, Forteds had been passionately working hard for the guild so that everybody does not need to go through which he had been through with Yuujinchou before.

Later sometimes, Vertigo had met Djbiomas in the clockworks, and had saw the potential of this knight and had sat to talk with him. As for the guild by then having no exact goal plays Djbiomas with his own thoughts of showing the world that "I can do this even without the mainstream weapons" because from a long time, his consciousness visioned that the 3 most mainstream gear used in the whole Spiral Community are the Argent Peacemaker, the Divine Avenger, and the Grey Owlite Shield. With this being put up, Djbiomas decided to join in with Shadow Mercenaries and at the same time changing the guild's goal from nothing into being "We will revolutionize the world of Cradle, showing others that we can do things that you do without the mainstream weapons". (For people who might be asking "But there are also many people who use other weapons that are not those 3 specified". Yes we understand that, but the ratio of people just using those combinations of weapons are a mass. As long as we can inspire people to use different other weapons also, this world would be more fun not just for new players, but everyone who might not have the chance to see many other weapons the game and community itself provides us)

Uniqueness and Credibility

Since then, the Mercenaries had weighted themselves in order to use the less commonly used weapons such as the Callahan, Supernova, Brandish Line Series, Flourish Line Series, Graviton/Electron Series, and so on while trying to avoid the Sealed Sword Line Series, Antigua Line Series, and so on. Some people actually overlook the credibility of these weaponry and just rationally kicked our guild members from parties for "Not having a Divine Avenger" and are calling us around as 'noobs' which is completely not reasonable. As in for Lockdown and all other difficult runs such as the Shadow Lair, we still are able to use these weapons while avoiding being mainstream and working successfully towards the same goal as everyone else.

The Agency

To be continued...


The sky is not the limit... Reach for the stars. Believe in what you do and others will, you will become, what you believe you can

Minimal Requirements:

  • 1) You need Tier 2 Access
  • 2) You should be experienced with varied types of runs
  • 3) Have a good attitude
  • 4) Be active

Contact "Rgn-Vertigo" or "Acerosys" answering the following questions:

  • 1) What is your name? (INGAME, In Real Life-- If you would like to tell)
  • 2) How long have you been playing?
  • 3) What gear(s) do you use?
  • 4) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere?
  • 5) Why you would like to join us?
  • 6) Tell us a little more about yourself (If you want to)

Rules and Regulations

  • 1) No cursing/swearing exploitatively in the guild chat or to others making us lose reputation (Which will not result in such good things.) Simple meaning is always be friendly to people inside/outside the guild.
  • 2) No begging for money/crowns (Remember, begging and borrowing is a different case).
  • 3) Sell recipes to guildies at BASIL PRICE.
  • 4) No trolling around... Unless permitted *Trollface.jpg*
  • 5) Always be friendly and kind <3


High ranking and soft manners may not always belong to a true heart



  • Stayed in the guild for a week
  • Tier 3 access
  • Descent combat skills, teamwork, and collaboration


  • Runs with Veterans/Officers/Guild Masters, and being approved [Preferably Firestorm Citadel]



  • Member Rank
  • Solid combat skills, teamwork, and collaboration
  • Being able to lead a team/platoon successfully on runs


  • Firestorm Citadel Run (With Officer/Guild Master as observer) solo with 3 deaths maximum' (Whole run).
  • Evaluation and Approval by Officers/Guild Masters



  • Trust and Approval by Guild Founder


  • N/A (Not Available)

Guild Master


  • Have the ingame name of: "Rgn-Vertigo" "Acerosys" or "Alvell"


  • N/A (Not Available)

Please note that to us, ranking isn't really the thing that matters. For example you don't have to be calling guild masters the "boss" or something like that by anyways. Even if you are a recruit, you're a veteran, or any sort. As long as everyone, all of us are friends, we're happy with it.

Guild Members

Companions, in misery and worse, that is what we all are, in the same world that goes on each day...

The list of Knights in Shadow Mercenaries [January 4'th, 2011 +7 GMT]


Page created by: Rgn-Vertigo & Acerosys

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