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"Rise of Shadows". We are a very active Tier 2 and Tier 3 guild, created by Spearstorms.
"Rise of Shadows". We are a very active Tier 2 and Tier 3 guild, created by Spearstorms.

Revision as of 00:44, 18 July 2012

Image Wanted.png
Defense and Status resistance bars tell you different things. The number of segments don't represent the same low, medium, high, etc. values. See the Defense and Abilities pages for details.

Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Some items have additional health as a special "ability," giving more health pips than most items. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details.

This item doesn't have any special abilities.

Health Pips:
Health Benefits, or the number of "pips," can increase with heat level for many items. Depth in the clockworks influences health behavior - see the Health page for details.

Accessory Positions:

The {{{name}}} is a {{{star}}}-star [[{{{type}}}]].

"Rise of Shadows". We are a very active Tier 2 and Tier 3 guild, created by Spearstorms.

REQUIREMENTS: 1. 3 star+ equipment.

2. Team player. You're in a guild. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

3. Don't be rude. Your actions represent us as a guild, and we don't want to look shoddy because of one person.

4. Active.


We do Royal Jelly, Roarmulus Twins, and Vanaduke runs. Vanaduke runs are more common, but I(Ghigxhalon) will usually do T2 boss runs. We are few but dedicated. We are a casual guild but we often participate in Lockdown and Blast Network.

MEMBERS: (34 in total)

Guild Masters: Spearstorms, Stevexnugy, Elunicoabc, Ghigxhalon, Holybladex, Lastmetal

Officers: Awesomewilliam, Hershey, Ironflame, Renzhoiy, Wuckolegenda, Ultrareptile

Veterans: Coconutx, Firemetal, Hawk-Man, Insanejesterking, Kooplug, Nskng, ToneyT, Veilizard, Xxbmxx, Zero-Celsius

Members: Astrometal, Banaantjuhz, Klam-Shakes, Luvydove, Oneequalstwo, Thunderboltman, Wadragon

Recruits: Savage-Animal, Wezz

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