Spiral Order

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The Spiral Order

The spiral order was the order that the knights of the Skylark were a part of at the time of the crash. There are at least 3.3 million known members of the Order.


Not much is known about the order before the the crash of the Skylark, except that they were a organization who fought against the Morai in Ilsola.

Unlike what some may expect from a knight, the Spiral Order does not use medieval technologies. Guns and Bombs are popular weapons, and Energy Shields are used widely. Other abilities include cloaking and mass shielding. Also included in the knight's arsenal is swords, but unlike simple iron blades, many of these swords have unique Abilities

The local history begins when the Skylark, a space ship, was attempting exploration of the vast unknown. When their ship was scanning the surface of Cradle, the terrarium core exploded for unknown reasons, causing the ship to crash land on the surface. The large contingent of knights abroad were able to flee the vessel using escape pods. The damage to the Skylark rendered it unusable and the ship proceeded to crash land on Cradle.


Stranded on Cradle, they first made a temporary base in the surface wilderness, at a location known as the Rescue Camp. Eventually the knights found shelter and created a main base of operations at the stranger home of Haven. The kind Strangers allowed the knights to inhabit their humble abode, so long as they did so respectfully.


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