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My name is Aeryth Aecarus, however I am most commonly known simply as Aeca. I am a Guild Master, and moreover the Founder, of Wing. My ultimate goal in Spiral Knights is to have fun, and to help others have fun.

Post Archive

Active Posts

Already Learned/Obtained Recipe/Item Signification
    → Derp, I didn't notice that, sorry.
    → That would also be a very nice option.

A Few Questions
    → Thanks for the info.
    → Fire weakness?
    → Well that's unfortunate.
    → As far as I know, yes he is a fiend-type.
    → An indicator as to what type monsters are would be nice.
    → We're wondering whether Vanaduke is undead or fiend (or both?).

Ongoing Posts

☆ W i n g ☆

The "buying recipes" thread
    → Buying [Magic -> Divine] and [Angelic-> Valkyrie] Recipes.
    → I am still looking for the following Recipes.

Archived Posts

Danger Room Reward
    → I believe I was on the floor just after Moorcroft.
    → I like that idea.

Old Wolver Caps ----> Kat Hats
    → The Magikat hat used to drop from treasure boxes.

Squee! New Art!
    → Very nice work!

WTB recipes.
    → This might work better for you, and the forum.

Iconic work!
    → This list was very useful.

    → I'm just basing this off of your reaction.
    → Charge Attacks might also make sense.

(More) Minimap Icons

Crosshair for Gamepads/Keyboards

Personal tools