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Revision as of 19:30, 13 August 2013 by UsorDunt (Talk | contribs)

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Equipment-Lithium31337 icon.png Xwert
Joined: NO idea
Guild: Broken Dreams
Rank: Guild Master
Motto(s): Tip your hat to Goblins, and beat the crap out of Slags!
Achievements: 60/60
Prestige Rank: (Sadly) Knight
Prestige (Amount): ...(too embarrassed to say)

Hello, I am Xwert!

About Xwert

well glad you asked, I am the current GM of Broken Dreams which was abandoned by the founder and most of the members, I do Forum, and Wiki work while trying to help the community, and assist with peoples problems!

About Xwerts guild

Well Broken Dreams is now a mostly new player guild with 50+ members, and a collection of cool officers and veterans!

About What Xwert says/does

I love to joke, and player around so I make jokes a lot Like: On forum Chromalisk, Sheep, etc...

Hope you enjoyed my page! I'll be updating when I can :D

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