Granberia (Guild)

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Created by guild member Cevel (Elby).


Created by guild master Japhetcakes (Linkalee).

Guild Master: Japhetcakes (Linkalee)
Date Founded: February 6, 2013


Granberia is a small, obscure guild that defies small, obscure guilds. We have rich members, skilled members, and kind members, all working together to provide the best experience they can for eachother. I the guild master would like to share this guild with others, so the guild is now open for recruitment (of other honorable/respectful members only, please). If you enjoy the personality, reputation, and resources of larger guilds, but would like a quiet, more-subdued atmosphere, then this is the guild for you!

About the GM: Japhetcakes is the alt of Linkalee, an experienced knight who's been diving through the Clockworks almost continuously since September of 2011. Linkalee refuses to leave his dead guild, and being very shy, has never found another guild he really enjoyed, so he created this one. Link enjoys helping people he likes, spending money on things he doesn't need, making old-man jokes, and flailing his limbs at As- Gorgos.

Naming references:

News and Recent Amendments

9/4/2013: The guild is undergoing major renovations/updates over the next few weeks, stay tuned for more information.

Veteran Challenge Winners

To become a veteran in Granberia, members must solo the Snarbolax boss fight on elite difficulty without pets, revives, shields, or vitapods, and while wearing nothing but the guild uniform: a Spiral Scale Helm, Spiral Scale Mail, and any combination of Hot Edge, Spitfire, and Firecracker. Those who complete this challenge will have their names listed below:

  • Japhetcakes (Linkalee)
  • Cevel (Elby)

Rules and Regulations

Ideally, all members should be polite, mature, honest individuals who don't annoy others. They should be good listeners who respect others, not obnoxious jerks that only care about themselves. Members must understand that they should give to balance what they take from others; "Can someone sell me 50ce for 3000cr?" and "Can someone help me in the Twins? I'm dead again" are acceptable guild chat messages, but "can i have 50ce" and "*send random invite without notice*" are annoying and members who say/do things like these will be demoted/removed. This is a place to have fun, but not at the expense of others. Be respectful and intelligent, and you'll be just fine.

Guild Chat

Larger guilds' guild chats can get pretty annoying, like a radio continually broadcasting random conversations that you may or may not want to be listening to. Since this guild is intended to have a small-guild atmosphere, guild chat should remain fairly quiet. If you want to hold a conversation with someone, please do so in whispers. If you want to hold a conversation with multiple people, use the guild hall. Guild chat should only be used for personal conversations when the only people online are the ones partaking in the conversation, when a group can't all be available to talk in the same place, or for simple hello/goodbye statements. Things posted in guild chat should be relevant to the whole guild, as that's where it's being broadcasted (see the examples above in General). Being annoying in guild chat and/or ignoring requests to be quiet will result in demotion; rude requests for someone to be quiet may also result in demotion, depending on the language used.

As a note, swearing and offensive subjects are allowed, provided they're used correctly; "Holy f**k he's kicking our a**es" and "How many gays does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two, but the real question is how'd they get in a lightbulb?" are fine, but "shut the f**k up you goddam faggot" and "whats the difference between a jew and a pizza? a pizza doesnt scream when you put it in the oven!" will result in demotion/removal.


  • Recruit: Recruits are members who have lost their rights and have been demoted, as well as alternate characters of other members in the guild. Recruit is a very shameful rank. Don't be a recruit.
  • Member: The basic rank of the guild. Everyone who joins will automatically start at Member rank. Most members will be, well, Members.
  • Veteran: Veterans gain access to the mist well. Members can become veterans after they have passed the veteran challenge. Veteran is a very prestigious rank, you should wear your shiny veteran badge with pride.
  • Officer: Only personal, trusted friends of the GM will become officers, so don't expect to see many (if any) officer rankups in this guild. Officers are above all rules and do as they please.
  • Guild Master: Japhetcakes is the GM. There will be no other GM rankups, not even for his alts.

Room Renting

A down payment of 5k is required to put a member's name on a room door and claim ownership of the room, but there will be no other weekly fees beyond that, rent is free. Rooms can/will be shared with up to three others for a total of four per room, unless a renter wants to pay 3k weekly rent to keep his room all to himself. A free Spiral Blue Bed will be provided to all room owners to place as they wish. They are encouraged to furnish their rooms as they please, however they must provide all other furniture that they want (unclaimed furniture already in the guild can also be used, besides other Spiral Blue Beds being saved for other residents). Single renters get the entire room to themselves for free, but they must clear a reasonable amount of space should anyone else decide to move in and place their own room furniture.

Inactive members holding room ownership will lose ownership of their room if they are absent for an extended period without notifying the GM beforehand and someone else wants to take their place. If they are absent for greater than a month, they will be removed from the guild, and will of course lose their room in the process.

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