Cake Masters (Guild)

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Cake Masters(Guild)

We are an active Tier 2 and above guild, with some lockdown players, and Tons of people who love cake. Were backed by biscotti,herself, the number one Cake Master out there haha :D. There no requirements to join except one. You must be Tier 2 or above means knight rank or above.

Some Things About Our Guild

We are family oriented, Our Guild Masters have been passed down from generation to generation. Blocklad the original Guild Master passed it down to, Gheffy and Assassansubject and They passed Buddyhi passed it down to Boontakid, and he passed it down to me, Shirobara, and I passed it down to Mech-Robo, Our current Guild Master. We have Three Officers, Forgottenoutcast, Who has been in the game since right after the release of the game, Redfuzzyfred, who is our prankster of our Officers And Sweeticedcream, He is like our senior gm hes on and active but never at the times when the majority of the members are on. Hes also Sweet like ice cream xD


Like Every good guild you gotta have good rules.

These apply to ALL ranks not just any one specific Rank.

1. Shall not Curse or try not to

2. Shall not Create Drama**

3. Shall not do anything you think you would get in trouble for.

4. Shall Listen to ALL Senior Ranking Members

5. Shall not BEG, either in town square or in the guild hall/chat

6. Shall HAVE FUN!!! ^^

7. What Mech-Robo Says GOES no questions asked!

8. Punishments will NOT be suspended no matter the excuses, you know the rules, you did what you did you shall take responsibility for it.

9. Shall not ask for cr or e(ce) form anyone with in the guild, There's no elevator cost so no need to do so

    • Drama Will NOT be tolerated. AT ALL. Both parties regardless of rank will be removed from the guild immediately upon a Guild Master being notified. Begging will be dealt with in accordance to a meeting between the beggar and a third party Rep (Gm or Officer) and actions shall be taken accordance to the conclusion of the meeting


All Recruits are promoted to Members upon the joining of our guild.


To Get promoted to Veteran, you must be in the guild for at least a minimum of a month or 4 weeks, must have donated at least 100cr to the guild hall and have a Guild Master or Officer be able to verify(simply saying "hey (name) i donated some cr im gonna go do this (activity)" is enough we just need to see it on the guild record.


To get promoted to this rank, you must be trusted, have been in the guild a min of 3 months, of the Vanguard rank, BE ACTIVE. The other way is when We do Officer promotion round, in which we need 1 or more slots filled a max of 4. We will ask who wishes to become an officer, now simply saying oh i want to become an officer is not enough to guarantee you a slot as an officer, when we do Officer promotion rounds, anyone who is interested must send me(shirobara) a mail as to how old they are irl(usually no one under 13 will even be considered ie must have maturity) with there reasons, there credibility example oh i was in this guild as an officer before its name is (blank) it was (successful/unsuccessful) if unsuccessful reasons why if not then your ok

Guild Master

This is where it gets tough. In order to become a Guild Master you must be all that a Officer is and more, The way our Guild works is that we pass our guild down from generation to generation, So Its up to the Current Guild Master, as to whether or not he will pick you as his/her successor. Thus it is nearly impossible for you to become a gm with out major contributions to the guild and to the guild master. This doesn't mean kiss butt but it means have fun playing and enjoy talking with people in the guild.


Donations are appreciated but are NOT mandatory, Except for the Veteran Promotion

We do ask that you at least have enough self respect to care for the guild that you would WANT to donate to make it a better guild hall but we can't FORCE you to donate so it is entirely up to you on whether you want to help us improve the guild hall or not.

Current Officer and Guild Masters

Senior Guild Master: Boontakid, he has power over everyone but he has little control in financial matters, as this is a entire guild matter.

Vice Guild Master: Shirobara(myself),I make the ultimate decisions upon Guild matters and recruiting, promotions and anything in between

Co-Vice Guild Master: Mech-Robo(Current Guild Master), He is the one and only Financial supporter without donations. He has built the guild up to what it is now with a standing record of donations upwards of 3 million crowns, He makes the ultimate decisions on anything Design based, after oking the major changes with guild members or myself. He makes the rules and enforces them. He is the one to listen to more than boontakid or myself.

Officers: Redfuzzyfred, Sweeticedcream, and Forgottenoutcast. These are our main Recruiters they handle all recruiting and do our main advertising for the guild.

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