Glow was brought into our realm many years ago by it's founder, Clockworkdragon. This young and inspired knight was rather new to Spiral Knights at the time and had been to a number of guilds, some of the guilds he had visited were fun and exciting, but lacked donations and direction, others had an overwhelming amount of players and joyous activity, but had crumbled due to the vast number of players that had all-too-soon become inactive. After leaving the last guild he would ever leave, he found inspiration to make something better, something interesting and something active. After creating Glow, the founder invited a number of people to join, very few of which remain within the guild today such as Chris-Warhoge. Many of the new players were active and for a long time, the guild prospered and earn enough through donations to afford a decent guild hall with a number of useful rooms, the staff were dedicated and helpful, and all was well.
However, it was not until much later that the new-found Officers and Masters of Glow would come to realise the fate of many other guilds, the large number of players be came inactive like birds falling out of the sky, even some of the guild masters became unable to help due to other arrangements they had in the real world, the guild lacked funds and the activity to raise more, and so after a long period of wealth, growth and prosperity, the guild became inactive and dull.
Two weeks ago, Clockworkdragon logged in to Spiral Knight for the first time in a long while, it was refreshing to hear those nostalgic sounds that brought back good memories. The he got a message from Chris-Warhoge (a current guild master), he asked about Glow and for the first time in long while, there was more than one player in the guild, for two weeks the guild has been resurrected and is coming back to it's former glory. The donations gained recently have been more consistant, the number of guild members has reached over 100 and the number of members who
actually talk in chat and take part in events has been higher than ever! Glow stands as a glimmer of home for the Spiral community and we hope to expand, raise further funding and improve our ranking and donations systems! This guild as active and fun for all now!