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Revision as of 11:44, 3 May 2011 by Sunflash (Talk | contribs)

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Is it just my imagination, or is the extra damage done to monsters if they thaw naturally done completely in Normal damage, rather than the more logical Elemental? I was using an iceburst brandish on wolvers today, and they took greatly reduced damage from the sword attacks because of their elemental resistance, yet took full damage from the ice thawing. Same went for Gremlins and Zombies, neither took much more or less than any other.--CrashFu 04:18, 3 May 2011 (UTC)

Also, I'm pretty sure that the strength of freeze ONLY affects the damage it will do when it wears out. Strong freeze and Minor freeze seem to me to take the same amount of time to thaw out on their own. Can anyone else confirm this? --CrashFu 04:18, 3 May 2011 (UTC)

Yes, the damage done on thaw-out is Normal. No, it doesn't really make sense. Yes, I'm 90% confident the 'strenght' of the freeze-effect only affects the thaw-out damage. Cyro Driver ftw! Sunflash 11:44, 3 May 2011 (UTC)

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