Shifting Sands (Guild)

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Revision as of 04:37, 16 November 2011 by King Gobi (Talk | contribs)

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Shifting Sands
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Wearing down. Breaking down. One. Two. Three.

Guild Founder: FounderName
Approx. Population: #22 (12th November 2011)
Guild Master(s):
  • Master Name: KingGobi (The Boss)
  • Master Name: Dimensionshift
  • Master Name: Prolem
Guild Officer(s):
  • OfficerName
  • OfficerName
  • OfficerName

Guild Information

Shifting Sands is a fun lovin' guild for Knights who want to explore the clockworks, we accept all tiers.


Help us write the Ballad of the Shifting Sands!

Shifting Sands was founded by King Gobi who with Dimensionshift began to recruit members (most King Gobi did the recruiting because Dimensionshift is lazy).

KingGobi, Dimensionshift and Prolem go on a mission to slay Snarby! During the crossfire Prolem joins the cause and KingGobi loses an eye and it is replaced with a bionic enhancement.


-Have Fun (usually the last rule but I personally think this is important)

-Be Respectful (Seriously, I hate annoying people who are stuck up snobs)

-Be Adventurous (You think you suck? I don't, do better!)

-Be Generous (Hidden within the rules is a PROTIP! AKA I give out free stuff if you give out free stuff)

-Come up with a signature battle cry (I love battle cries.... Even tho I ripped mine off WARHAMMER 40K!)



Jelly Hunters

Forming an Alliance

Allied With

Rank Requirements

Recruit Just ask! It's that easy!

Member Make a comment in guild chat! I see fine knight, you wish to prove your mettle in this guild? Train hard! Fight well! And maybe you'll survive to fight with KingGobi. . .

Veteran Survive an expedition in the clockworks with a Guild Master! You've fought many battles, explored many tiers and even fought with the guild masters. Bathe in your achievements you are superior to other members.

Officer So you think your good enough? You need to be of Veteran rank and have the trust of atleast ONE of the guild masters. Your the best of the best, the finest Shifting Sands has to offer! Only second to the Guild Masters, show your prowess in battle and your knowledge of warfare!

Guild Master You think your the best of the best? You think you can command a mighty guild? You think your the icing on the cake? Survive a TEST OF AUTHORITY from Kinggobi and one other Guild Master.

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