Storm the Fallen (Guild)

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Storm the Fallen
GuildLogo-Storm the Fallen.jpg

From the Fallen new hope will rise

Guild Founder: Tynite
Approx. Population: 80
Guild Master(s):
  • Tynite


Storm the Fallen, a guild for awesome players! Storm the Fallen was created some time ago in July. Since then we have recruiting many exceptional T3 players. I think most of us can agree that we are big, friendly and helpful. As a guild we have tackled many bosses, together, often with success. However completely boss runs is not the only aspect the guild is great in but also for the help we provide each other. Usually at least 14 of us are on in peak hours but you can always find someone on as we have members from all around the globe.

What we're about

Being one big happy guild that has fun and helps each other out.


If you're starting to like the sound of this guild then you can sign up. However only t3 players are allowed to join. So shoot me (Tynite) a request and you'll be part of the guild.

The Ranks

Recruit - For those who have just joined and ready to prove themselves as part of this guild.

Member - For recruits who logs on regularly and completes runs with the guild.

Veteran - For members who have proven themselves in doing successful runs with the guild and organize their own guild runs.

Officer - For veterans who regularly do, and organize guild runs. Shown help and friendliness to the guild and can always help out a fellow guildie in need.

Guild Masters - Currently no spots available, but for officers who have taken the extra step further, by logging on daily, helping others and keeping the group together and simply leading the guild to success.

However inactivity or failure to follow the rules can result in removal or demotion.

Competitions and Updates

We are currently having a competition to come up with a guild motto. E.g. There was peace...then came the Storm (Yes, this is extremely lame but it's just an example. This motto will go on this wiki page. Members must think of a guild motto and mail it to Tynite by the 24th of December. The motto that the Ryl and Tynite think is the best will win. Simple as that. The winner will be announced on Christmas and will win 300ce and an accessory. The winner is able to choose from one of these acessories: cool com unit, fancy helm guards, fancy pipe, regal helm-mounted display or the regal barrel-belly.

Congatulations go to Zigurate, who came up with From the Fallen new hope will rise a brilliant motto. Well done.

Every Saturday, Event runs will be held. These can be doing runs without shields, runs with only proto gear or runs with bombs only. These runs are being conducted for fun and will be held throughout the day. Feel free to join one or start your own.

We now have a guild costume! Why the need for one? A guild costume allows the guild stand out as a group in haven or do guild runs, it just brings the guildies together thats all. So the Guild costume is, simply, cobalt helm with wolver coat. Howevever in guild runs, wearing the cobalt helm with any coat from the wolver series is fine.


Respect and treat fellow guild members fairly

Always try to help others

No begging

Guilld Masters and Officers

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