Avalon (Guild)

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The Guild of Heavens

Guild Founder: Moogy, Bobmachine, Ceraph
Approx. Population: 56
Guild Master(s):

Moogy, Mrniceguyd

Guild Officer(s):

Aquillion, Princessjustine, Dr-Jan-Itor, Hadeus, Melodramatic

This is the official Spiral Knights wiki page for Avalon.

Guild History

Avalon was created in April 2011 and along with Moogy was founded by Bobmachine and Ceraph who were the first officers. The name was deprived from the King Arthur Story concerning the Knights of the Round Table. This inspired Moogy to make a guild of knights that are mature, active and mean buisness. Since the retirement of his early officers Bobmachine and Ceraph, Moogy now runs the guild with his deputy Guild Master Mrniceguyd and his officers Aquillion, Dr-Jan-Itor, Hadeus, Princessjustine and Melodramatic.

Guild Rules

Of course, with joining an active guild, their are several rules that you need to follow. These include:

  • Don't be a Jerk
  • Be as active as possible
  • Show that you mean business
  • Have FUN !!!!!

Guild Registry

Here are the list of members of Avalon

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