Krieg (Guild)

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"Es sei Krieg, Liebe"

Guild Founder: Tersakoff
Approx. Population: 20
Guild Master(s):
  • Tersakoff
  • Desuchan

About Us

We are gentlemen. We are grammarnazis. And we don't care 'bout your tripe UV snarbolax coat.

No we're not a german guild.

Our goal is to create a mature and nice community, made out of members who are able to spell well, and with whom you can actually have a conversation. We are not here to set records in gear or skill. We are here to be gentlemen and have fun. And teach people proper spelling and grammar.

We have no gear or skill requirements. Those are both a matter of time. Gear will be made in time, and experience will be accumulated, however, the guild masters can answer any questions or offer guidance to members in need, as well as suggest tactics.

We don't look at the material side of things, we look at the personality of a person, thus this is what we base our recruiting on, together with your ability to spell well, someone running around shouting an immense number of abbreviations of short words comes off as plain retarded. We want to be the opposite of that, however, abbreviations of longer words, used sparingly, are tolerated.

Oh, we also have a "theme song" [1] , which fits surprisingly well to the guild, even though it was discovered after its creation.


Originally named Crucifix, the guild was left to die, with no goal, no purpose, and nobody to care for it. However, now it's back, under a new name, which is not to be taken literally, and ready to start building it's way up. Being founded recently, we don't have much of a history, instead we have goals.

Founded on 05.04.2012


  • Do not use abbreviations for short words, unless in combat/ in a hurry. Abbreviations of longer words, used sparingly, are acceptable.
  • Proper punctuation is appreciated, though not necessary. However, keep it at a decent level... a sentence has commas, too.
  • Do not disrespect guildies, or any persons for that matter. If any guildie disrespected you, tell me and I will do something about it, this applies for people out of the guild, too.
  • Be helpful and polite. Of course, joking around is permitted, but do not take it to an offensive level.
  • If a superior, a guild master or officer, asks you to do something, shut up and do it. You won't be asked to break a leg or jump off a ledge.
  • Watch your grammar and spelling and don't be offended whenever someone corrects it, but instead notice what you did wrong and don't repeat it.


Status: Open and encouraged, members joining in the first weeks and staying will be considered core members in the future, thus honored accordingly. You don't have to be /very/ active to join.

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