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Revision as of 06:56, 9 May 2012 by Natopotato (Talk | contribs)

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Wayward Elementals
GuildLogo-Wayward Elementals.png

Where those who use the elements gather.

Guild Founder: Nato-Potato & Feralwind
Approx. Population: 80

Hi, I'm Nato-Potato, Leader of the [Wayward Elementals] guild. I don't play that often, maybe 1-3 times a week, but I've been around long enough to have seen how this game has grown over time and I think it's doing really well.


Equipment-Acheron icon.png Acheron

Equipment-Combuster icon.png Combuster

Equipment-Polaris icon.png Polaris

Equipment-Shivermist Buster icon.png Shivermist Buster

Equipment-Divine Veil icon.png Divine Veil Unique variant icon.png Medium Shock resistance

Equipment-Skolver Coat icon.png Skolver Coat

Equipment-Rock Jelly Shield icon.png Rock Jelly Shield


Equipment-Charged Quicksilver Helm icon.png Charged Quicksilver Helm

Equipment-Ash Tail Coat icon.png Ash Tail Coat

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