Traders Union (Guild)

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Traders Union
GuildLogo-Traders Union.png

Buy it,sell it and that again :D

Guild Founder: Awesomesmart
Approx. Population: 10
Guild Master(s):

Awesomesmart and Flux-Indian

Guild Officer(s):



We are a bunch of guys passionate about Spiralknights,we offer knights a place to learn, grow,have tons of adventure and loads of fun while getting rich at the same time.Never judge a book by its cover,dont go by our guild name we are into clockworks,lockdowns and shadow lairs also.

Guild Recruitment

Approach or Mail any of the Officers or Guildmasters, telling them a few basic things

  • The tier you belong to.
  • Your Age(we dont accept players less than 13 years of age).
  • Your Previous Guilds,either you have been kicked or left.
  • What you expect from this guild.

Guild requirements

  • We accept tier 2 and 3 players only,tier 1 players are not invited into this guild.
  • The least level for a player to join is to be a full 3 star.
  • Player age is the most important concern and since this guild has matures in it mostly we have limited the minimum age to 13+,if your age is less than that then we are sorry we CANT invite you.
  • We expect our players to be moderately active,even logging in 2-3 times a week will be fine with us.But inactivity for more than 2 weeks will result in a kick.
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