Hellstorm Guardians (Guild)

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Rules of Guild are as follows

1. Ask for promotions. If you do ask, It will take be easier for the GM and officers to decide on whether u get promoted or not.

2. Beg. Seriously guys, Get up and beg. It will get u crowns cumulatively.

3. Please keep foul language, rudeness, and trolling to a Maximum. It gets quite annoying for everyone.


RETARD: no knight is started as a retard, unless under special conditions.

MEMBER: Everyone starts out as a member, unless under special conditions.

VETERAN: A higher rank in the guild, this rank is given to those who have shown great skill improvement from their previous rank and have interviewed with a GM or a superior officer.

OFFICER: If you want to acheive this rank your going to have to get on your knees for a long time, I hope you brought your shin pads, and maybe some mouthwash. This rank is only given by the AM's. It is a very high rank only given to those the AM's themselves see as retarded enough for it. If you do become an officer, if you abuse your powers as such, you will be a AM automatically and will be a highly respected AM at that.

ASSMASTER: This rank is only given by the members. We all take a spontanious vote as to whether the knight has begged or not. THIS IS THE SECONDARY WAY. THE PRIMARY WAY IS THE WHOLE KNEES THING BUT ON A WHOLE NEW SCALE.

Assstorm Guardians
File:GuildLogo-Assstorm Guardians.png

The Useless Guardians of ASS

Guild Founder: Kingmars
Approx. Population: #
Guild Master(s):

Razorgunner, Lucarioblade, Nthompson

THE HISTORY OF THE ASSSTORM GUARDIANS In the beginning, this guild was founded by a hero known as Kingmars, who had made become a hero amongst another guild known as Reign of Fire. Throughout time, it grew and prospered as Kingmars recruited and promoted knight after knight. Then there came another Knight, a friend of Kingmars, known as Lucarioblade. Due to his subserviance to Mars, he was made an officer (after alot of sucking), and throughout his officer rank, he invited many knights to join the army of Ass and Crap.

Luckily though, Lucarioblade left the Assstorm Guardians respectfully to another guild that shall not be named (The Wolven Warriors). After what seemed like 49 days and five hours, 29 minutes, the guild began to become amazing with the loss of another guildmaster known as Nthompson. The guild began to be awesome as it increased in all awesome things EVER.

But, by a chance meeting with Lucarioblade and Nthompson, the two decided to return to Assstorm Guardians to help restore what once was their home away from home. Sadly though, as they met again with Kingmars, they learned that he had made plans to leave Hellstorm and join the ranks of Reign of Fire. It was then that Lucario stood up and proclaimed that he and N shall become the new leaders of the Guardians.

Kingmars was pissed with this and so now, the adventure continues with Kingmars preparing to leave the guild, and L and N now fucking the guild up; the guild that once was crappy, and went big, and now is crapping again.

The guild would most definately of been the bestest thing EVER if they had not been so cruddy that The Prophisised One quit. The guild is now ridiculed both on cradle and on Isora (even though noone there has even heard of it) because of Prophecy's decision.

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