
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 17:13, 18 August 2012 by Aoria (Talk | contribs)

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Hey theeeeeere

Hey, hey, hey welcome to my humble page I see that you are interested to know me eh! Good, good!

This page

This page is currently under construction. It will be edited soon so please bear with me.

About this user

I have signed up for SK since the beta. I was on long hiatus for like a year and a half (I think), because I have no intention of playing that game. Then I finally started playing it since mid-May 2012, I believe. When I got used to the game, I suddenly got hooked and I'm soo in love with it.

About her knight

My main knight's name is Pastelette. Many people call me Pastele for short. But you must be warned: Do NOT call her Paste or Pasta - She absolutely hates being called these names and she will get very annoyed. I currently go to a guild called One Knight Stand (Guild).


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