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My name is Aeryth Aecarus, however I am most commonly known simply as Aeca. I am a Guild Master, and moreover the Founder, of Wing. My ultimate goal in Spiral Knights is to have fun, and to help others have fun.

Post Archive

Active Posts

Squee! New Art!
    → Very nice work!

WTB recipes.
    → This might work better for you, and the forum.

Iconic work!
    → This list was very useful.

    → I'm just basing this off of your reaction.
    → Charge Attacks might also make sense.

(More) Minimap Icons

Crosshair for Gamepads/Keyboards

Already Learned/Obtained Recipe/Item Signification
    → Derp, I didn't notice that, sorry.
    → That would also be a very nice option.

The "buying recipes" thread
    → Buying [Magic -> Divine] and [Angelic-> Valkyrie] Recipes.

A Few Questions
    → Thanks for the info.
    → Fire weakness?
    → Well that's unfortunate.
    → As far as I know, yes he is a fiend-type.

Ongoing Posts

☆ W i n g ☆

Archived Posts


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