Veni Vidi Defeci (Guild)
From SpiralKnights
Veni Vidi Defeci is a Guild created mostly for the purpose of friendly discussion and general goofing about.
The process of gaining membership is based upon personality. Skill level, wealth, gear level, and nationality are unimportant.
The Name
"Veni Vidi Defeci" is Latin for "We Came, We Saw, We Failed."
The name is intended as a parody of the classic Caesar quote: "Veni, vidi, vici," which means "I came, I saw, I conquered."
==The Roots==poop And so he made it.
The Rules
Veni Vidi Defeci has two major rules:
- 1. Don't be a jerk.
- 2. ALWAY begging. WHENEVER
The environment of VVD is about as relaxed as it gets other than that.
There are no skill or gear requirements for entry and ranking.
Members tend to not be very competitive, nor do they generally take the game extremely seriously.
General silliness and friendly acts are very much encouraged.
The Ranks
RECRUIT: Recruits are basically in a Trial period. It won't take a whole lot of annoying behavior to get yourself kicked. It also won't take a lot of awesome behavior to get yourself promoted.
MEMBER: Members are a part of the team. A friend of their Guildies. A bro of the dudes. Broceratops. Broseidon, king of the brocean. If you're Member, nobody in the guild is allowed to look down on you.
VETERAN: Veterans are fairly rare in the Guild. Usually the most awesome Members are promoted directly to Officer.
OFFICER: Officers are the few members that are very close to the GMs. These are the people we trust to administrate when we're away. Needless to say, they're pretty awesome people.
GUILD MASTER: Guild Masters are exactly like officers in every way except one: in order to be promoted above Recruit, a Guild Master has to have met you and approved you first.
The Honorable Mentions
Most members from We Are Legion haven't played since 2011, but a select few were so awesome they deserve to be mentioned:
The Thing On The Side
If ever VVD decides to duke it out amongst themselves, there is a secondary guild, Sacrament, open for members to temporarily join so that they may GvG in Lockdown against other members.