Volcanic Knight (Guild)

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Volcanic Knight

About this guild

We're the Volcanic Knights! We help each other with courage, duty and faith! We will never be weakened by greed and fear! We guide each other to the rightfull path! We never leave a knight behind! We will fight to the very end!

Really About This Guild

This Guild was the founders of Zzeekkee,Mcdp, Oraclesp, and Jakeopolis. We wanted to encouge others to their goal other than leaving them behind and having skilled knights to help others will encourage people to be kind to each otherm help and work together to reach both of our goals.

Guild Masters of The Volcanic Knight

-Guild Masters: Zzeekkee, Mcdp, Jakeopolis, Oraclesp

Officers of The Volcanic Knight


Roipoi, Javaughnie, Damianthebest

Verterans of the Volcanic Knight


Jellyservant, Endlessfir

Members of The Volcanic Knight


Mongrel, Phalonax

Recruits of The Volcanic Knight

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