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Consumables are items that can be found in dungeons.


Vial Belt.png
Consumables are picked up by walking over them. They are added to your belt shown at the top of the screen. Press the numbers 1 - 5 to use a consumable. Vials are thrown and Capsules are consumed on the spot. There is room for only 3 consumables per slot in the belt, and you can only have one slot of each type.

You can drag consumables off of the belt to drop them on the ground or to trade them, if you wish.


Capsules are used to affect yourself. Press the numbers 1 - 5 to consume the capsule.

Icon Name Description
Item-Health Capsule.png Health Capsule Heals your knight for 3 units of health when consumed when in a dungeon.
Item-Super Health Capsule.png Super Health Capsule A stronger version of the Health Capsule that heals your knight for 6 units of health when consumed when in a dungeon.
Item-Remedy Capsule.png Remedy Capsule When consumed, remedy capsules remove afflictions you may have such as fire, curse, stun, etc.


Vials are thrown to affect a target. Press the numbers 1 - 5 (as default) to ready a vial and click the ATTACK key to throw the vial in the direction your knight is facing. All vials come in a more powerful variation with the same color as the lesser vial, shown as a larger bottle marked with a star.

Icon Name Description

Template:Table/Pickups Entry Template:Table/Pickups Entry Template:Table/Pickups Entry Template:Table/Pickups Entry Template:Table/Pickups Entry Template:Table/Pickups Entry Template:Table/Pickups Entry

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