Heavenly Knights (Guild)

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Heavenly Knights
GuildLogo-Heavenly Knights.png

Together we stand - Heavenly Knights

Guild Founder: Pkmn-Knight-GX
Approx. Population: #90(ish)
Guild Master(s):


  • Espadion
  • FlipnTrips
  • Red-Rose-Knight
Guild Officer(s):


  • Atma-Saber
  • RafaeltheRaven
  • texturedwarrior


We are the Heavenly Knights, one of the many guilds on Spiral Knights. We accept people of any tier or rank as long as they are social and friendly. We encourage our members to be active in chat, and to help other guild members. Our main aim is to do missions together and have fun. We can also provide you with advice how to play the game and how you can get better gear... maybe...

Icon-mail.png Recruitment

We are now recruiting 3* and up knights who need help with getting better in LD or getting better on fighting the T2 or T3 bosses!

Guild Ranks and Promotions

Do you want to become an officer in our guild? You can earn promotions by being social, active and helping our lower level members improve as well as talking to the guild master.

Here Is how ranks in this guild will be given for the most part

  • Recruits:No requirements
  • Members:7,000 Prestige
  • Veterans:15,000 Prestige
  • Officers:25,000 Prestige
  • Guild Masters: Gain ultimate trust of Guild Master Pkmn-Knight-Gx

Icon-settings.png Guild Rules

#1 You must log in at least once a month, anything longer will result in being kicked. (you may be re-Invited if you contact one of the Guild Masters)

#2 VERY IMPORTANT Every Guild member must donate at least 1000 crowns to the Guild Treasury EVERY WEEK ACTIVE.(that includes Veterans, Officers, and Guild Masters)We really wish to expand our guild hall, even an extra 10 crowns every week is sure to help =D

#3The mist well from now on will only be available to officers due to many people taking and not giving

#3You must have some basic social skills, that means:

  • Give new guildies a warm welcome!
  • Do not swear (Pssh nobody follows this rule)
  • Be friendly to all knights of all rank
  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T
  • No rude behavior
  • Be polite
  • Be friendly
  • Help others
  • Do not scam
  • No begging

Break the rules and you get one warning. Break them again and we kick you out of our guild.

What happens in officer chat, stays in Officer Chat... Officer Chat is /o instead of /g at the beginning of a sentence

If you would like to join our guild, contact one of our Officers or the Guild Master


==Guild Hall: Snarby Statue -Guildmember Xen-Tech and several others are looking into getting a Snarby Statue for the guild hall. If you are interested in helping or have any feedback let Xen-Tech or Ellwoodblues know about it in-game. To acheive this goal the guild will need a Hunter's Lodge and four Fumious Fangs (furniture) before the Statue will be unlocked for purchase. Items toward this cause can be donated either by depositing the items in the General Guild Treasury and sending an in-game mail to Xen-Tech OR sending the items direcly to Xen-Tech who will account for the items before depositing them into the Guild's General Treasury. As always any donation of crown's should be made directly into the Guild's General Treasury for both upkeep and expansions. Updates to the status of completion will follow. Fight smart or go home, Knights. ~ Ellwoodblues, Officer

==Materials Needed for Snarbolax Statue:

--Dark Shard-- = 124

--Green Shard-- = 194

--Beast Scale-- = 159

--Sharp Fang-- = 55

--Snarbo Stuffing-- = 11

--Monster Bone-- = 0

--Critter Carapace-- = 38

--Bushy Tail-- = 21

--Drake Scale-- = 25

NOTE: The above listed materials include the materials for all four Frumious Fangs (furniture) as well as the materials for the Snarby Statue itself. The crown cost will be added later as more guild members contribute.

List of banned players

  • None at the moment thankfully*

Last Updated April, 2013

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