Broken Dreams (Guild)

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Broken Dreams (2nd)
GuildLogo-Broken Dreams (2nd).jpg

We may have Broken Dreams. But together we are more than that, We are a glorious reality.

Guild Founder: Psy-Confusion-Xlr
Approx. Population: 75+
Guild Master(s):
Guild Officer(s):
  • "Executive" Rarrgz
  • "Executive" Roxano
  • "Executive" Green-Fire-Warrior
  • "Executive" Bath-Of-Blood
  • "Executive" Tyerogue


BrokenDreamsICON1 Breaking News!! BrokenDreamsICON1

  • 2nd Meeting goes awesomely for a Newly setup guild
  • 2nd Meeting Held on 4/15/13
  • Bluefoxtwo is voted to be a GM
  • Rarrgz becomes Head Officer
  • Roxano becomes Head Veteran
  • Roxano become Officer
  • Tyerogue becomes Head Veteran
  • Knightofswords becomes Veteran
  • Cyancracker becomes Veteran
  • Roxano becomes Lieutenant Officer(2nd Officer)
  • Davans friend: Mecha-Flare becomes GM
  • New rank names: Gm's are "Director"(head) and "Assistant Director"(regular), and Officer's are "Executive"
  • 3rd Meeting goes well
  • 4th Meeting is canceled, and 5th will proceed as Planned on Friday
  • Lukyboy become Director when Lord-Davan goes on Leave
  • Tyerogue becomes Officer
  • Cyancracker becomes Head Veteran
  • Lukyboy updated the whole guild(Wiki, Guild Hall, Inactive, and Recruiting)
  • Lukyboy makes a lot of Icons for the wiki
  • New Veterans(look for Veteran Section)
  • New Photo that is Temporary until the Contest is Over


BrokenDreamsICON1 Our Guild Hall BrokenDreamsICON1

Well.. 4/14/13 it was updated by Gm Lord-Davan, and it looks great We have 2 Setups: Meeting Setup & Regular Setup

Its normally public so come on in! :)

BrokenDreamsICON1 Donation Rate BrokenDreamsICON1

Upkeep: Currently we are asking about 100 to 300 crowns a week so that we can upgrade. However, if you cannot pay that much, or any tell Lord-Davan. We are hoping to get everyone in the 1,000 crowns plus range of donations per week.

BrokenDreamsICON1 Events BrokenDreamsICON1

  • Meetings
  • PvP
  • Guild Training- PvP/PvE
  • Boss Raids

BrokenDreamsICON1 New Logo Contest! BrokenDreamsICON1

Hello, we're having a In-Guild logo contest, to apply email your picture, maximum of 2 entry's per person

  • Logo must have: Quality's that match our Guilds name!, Look nice-ish, Not be perverted
  • All entry's will be posted here on the Photo Booth when the Contest is over
  • 3 winners: 1st gets: 10,000cr, and a Mystery Item... 2nd gets: 5,000cr... 3rd gets: 2,500cr
      • Thank you for Participating!!!

BrokenDreamsICON1 If You Are Interested In Joining BrokenDreamsICON1

Please mail a Gm, or Officer

LukyboyICON1 Made by Lord-Davan, and Usually updated by Lukyboy LukyboyICON1

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