Snipes Toknight (Guild)

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Snipes Toknight
GuildLogo-Snipes Toknight.png

Nursing Snipes at day,
partying in Vana's throneroom at night.

Guild Founder: Lumit (retired)
Approx. Population: 90
Guild Master(s):


About Us

Snipes Toknight is a growing and very active guild. Players from all tiers are welcome. We are friendly and very helpful, for us it is very common to join each other in missions frequently. Our guild name is derived from the little birds that live in Haven which are called Snipes.

The guild motto highlights the versatility of the players in this guild, from friendly and helpful to competent and high-skilled.

How to join us

Just contact one of the guild masters or officers via Tell or Mail. See below.


  1. Be active and have fun!
  2. Treat your guild mates respectfully and be friendly! Don't be a douche!
  3. Don't beg, neither in guild nor in public! Spiral Knights is a long term game, it takes time until you reach your goals.
  4. Try to contribute to an enjoyable atmosphere. Anything that makes the guild a better place helps. Be it donations of crowns or materials (BOTH NOT MANDATORY), answering questions of inexperienced players or joining people in missions, whatever you feel comfortable doing.

Whom to contact


We value an uncomplicated guild life. That's why guild ranks don't mean a lot. We do promote and demote though, but as each person is individual, so are the promotions. Thus, here are some general guidelines but they can deviated depending the case at an Officer's or Guild Master's discretion.


  • Standard rank that each member gets after joining. Recruits are on probation until it becomes more clear that they fit to the guild.
  • Recruits are asked to be active. While we do understand that there are more important things in life than playing games, we do want to keep the guild active. Recruits who don't show up for a very long time without informing a Guild Master or Officer will be removed from guild.


  • Recruits can be promoted to Member after their probation period (about one week).
  • Members are asked to be active. Members who don't show up for a long time without notice will be demoted back to Recruit.


  • Members can be promoted to Veteran if they show an above average participation in guild. Additionally, a Veteran usually has been a member of the guild for at least 3 weeks.
  • Veterans usually show a high activity and a great deal of experience in the game. Veterans who stay away for weeks can be demoted to Member.


  • Officers are hand picked by Guild Masters after they are showing exceptional commitment to the guild as Veterans and decided that they found a true home in this guild.
  • Officers have more responsibilities, such as helping with the daily tasks of running the guild.

Guild Master

  • Guild Masters are the working bees amongst the Officers. They will watch over the guild, find solutions to problems together with Officers and make sure everyone is having fun.
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