Blitz (Guild)

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We come from different size, shape, and age's. But we stand together as cold as a blizzard.

Guild Founder: Izun
Approx. Population: 14
Guild Master(s):
  • Izun
  • Mochiyu
  • Jeroslayer
Guild Officer(s):
  • Cyber-Overlord
  • Cutie-Fruit


>>>Welcome to Blitz. As you have just recently joined, you probably don't know much about this guild and what we do, so here are a few 'need to know' things about our guild:

> Guild Type:

  • Blitz was made to be a casual guild. We will be organizing GvG Lockdown and Blast Network games, Vanaduke runs, Jelly King runs, and also Shadow Lairs.

> Ranks:

  • GMs: Izun (Founder), Mochiyu (Second in command), Jeroslayer (Run coordinator).
  • Head Officers: Cyber-Overlord(First Officer), Cutiefruit (Second Officer).
  • We ask that you show respect those listed above, for they are your superiors within the guild.

> Guild Hall:

  • Our Guild Hall has not reached its full potential, therefore, we require a certain amount of crowns from each player in our guild. Amounts vary depending on what rank you have recieved. Please contact GM Mochiyu for more information.
  • GMs and Officers will be runs of Jelly King and Vanaduke to collect crowns for our guild treasury, and you are welcome to join us you are ready to participate in either of the runs. If you are do Vanaduke or Jelly King feel free to ask us for a trial run. During a trial run, at least one GM or Officer will be with you to supply you with a maximum of 10 sparks of life. Please Contact GM Jeroslayer for more information.


Waiting on Mochiyu:



We just have a few rules we would like you to cooperate with. These rules arn't very complicated and they won't endanger your enjoyment of this game, all we ask is that you respect them the best you can. Rules:

> Please don't beg. In our guild, begging is strictly forbidden because you need to learn how to earn your own Crowns/Energy. If you need help, just ask and we will do our best to help you out with what ever you require. (Helping you does not mean we are giving you what you want).

> No swearing. Please try your best not to swear, although GMs will turn a blind eye if you let the odd word out if you don't make a habit of it.

> If you are having a serious arguement with another member of our guild, or are being harrassed by any player outside the guild, please contact Izun or Mochiyu immediately. We will tolerate bullying either in, or out of the guild.

> Do not ask for Promotions. Our ranks above Veteran are strictly limited to 3 GMs and 6 Officers. Anyone asking promotions will be referred to the Ranks and Promotions letter. Continuous asking for promotions will result in a demotion.


Now here is a quick summary of how the ranks work!

Recruit - You get invited to guild, its that simple. :)

Member -

Veteran -

Officer -

Guild Master -

Blitz's Motto


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