Armistice (Guild)

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Praetorian Khanate
GuildLogo-Praetorian Khanate.png

The sun never sets on the throne of the Praetor

Guild Founder: Doumaru
Approx. Population: 125

Official Spiral Knights Wiki for the guild, Praetorian Khanate.

A tight-knit, supportive community of knights who enjoy traversing the Clockworks together. We are a PvE guild.

About Us

The Khanate exists to help its members and non-members. Through generosity, strength, will and determination, we seek to make a positive difference in the Spiral Knights community!


The Skylark, Imperial Ship of the Spiral Order, begins its long and burning descent to the mysterious planet of Cradle. Alarms ring and fireballs blaze down the corridors as a young rogue knight named DouMaru awakens in his chambers. His mind is dazed and confused, his eyes still heavy with sleep. The evacuation signal blares in his ears. No time to think; just run to the escape pod! He grabs his trusty Proto Sword and Proto Shield, and makes a dash for an exit. The corridor trembles like an earthquake, the rooms billowing in great, black plumes of smoke. His heart races. Who knew this would be his last tranquil night?

Through the screams and panic of his fellow recruits DouMaru runs, as if running through a dark passage of a nightmare. The ship nosedives, sending him flying into the sidewall, through a door and - by some extraordinary stroke of luck - into an escape pod. He barely had time to register his fortune before his head collides with the control panel, robbing him of consciousness. He can only see the last images of the skylark in ash and fire through the lens of his darkening eyes, closing in the stupor of his damaged body. The damaged pod jettisons, but its damaged controls send it swirling far beyond the co-ordinates of the designated rendezvous point. The young knight is lost, his nightmare only beginning.

It is unknown how many days have passed. DouMaru awakens within the wreckage of the escape pod, sparks still flying from the panels, the COM screens shattered and unusable. Blood trickles from his face like droplets of water from a melting icicle. He sighs; past the door of his pod lays uncertainty and struggle. But he cannot sleep nor rest. He must get up! He uses his sword as a crutch and lifts himself. He pries the door open. The strong rays of the midday sun blind him like a glowing veil only to reveal a vast desert upon his adjusting eyes. He wipes the blood away, bandages himself, and begins packing provisions for the long trek. He opens his pocket navigator and sees blips of potential life about 50 miles away.

He steadily moves out of the pod, feeling the broken ribs shifting painfully with every turn. He knows he must reach his destination before the merciless cold of the desert night hits. He looks back at the pod one last time, the smoldering ruin a symbol of his stolen life in what was to be a promising career in the spiral order. He looks to the eastern horizon, a symbol of his future now, the path uncertain, the path foreboding. A new path yet to be walked by any spiral knight, forever moving in the shifting sands. He moves at a steady pace, the strong winds erasing his footprints. He knows no one will know he was here if he is buried by the grains. His pack feels heavy, his muscles sore, but he treks on…to the next chapter of the Praetor.

Unfortunately, his journey doesn't fare well in the end and dies an honorable death. The reins now have been passed over to his proteges.

Guild Rules

All Praetorian Khanate members and knights seeking to join the guild must abide by the following rules:

  1. Be considerate and courteous to everyone, including members and non-members. If there is a dispute between members, the matter should be taken to an officer where it will be mediated and resolved in an appropriate fashion.
  2. No begging - it is an undignified action. This encompasses anything from asking for crowns, energy, materials and spare equipment.
  3. Be an active member (come online at least once a week, or preferably more often) and contribute to the guild community. To "contribute", one will participate in guild chat, guild meetings, runs and events, and assist fellow guildmates if needed.
  4. Donate regularly. We are a relatively large guild and require funds for upkeep, expansion and furnishing. Generous donors will be acknowledged and rewarded, as detailed in the Donation Reward Program below.

Donation Reward Program

The top three crown contributors of the month, at Member and Veteran rank, will be rewarded with Sparks of Life. At the end of each month, an event will be hosted, announcing the top donators of that month. The top contributor will receive an accessory from the Secretary of Commerce, and 10 Sparks. The second-place winner will receive 6 Sparks, and the third-place winner will receive 4 Sparks.

Officers and Recruits are exempt from the Donation Reward Program.

Guild Discipline Policy

All members of the Khanate are to conduct themselves in a courteous and honorable manner. Violation of appropriate behavioral conduct may comprise of:

  • Verbal abuse: undeserved criticism, put-downs and insults, shouting, swearing and discriminatory slurs
  • Begging: asking for free crowns, energy, materials or equipment
  • Harassing fellow guildmates: stalking, pestering, constantly demanding for attention, and sending unsolicited party invites

If a guild member violates any of the stated guild policies and/or the Terms of Service laid out by Sega, the following consequences will occur, as per the "three strikes, you're out" system:

  • 1st violation: A warning will be issued.
  • 2nd violation: Demotion to Recruit rank and Officer monitoring (possibility for appeal; one week probation). If the member is a Recruit, s/he will be removed from the guild and a letter of dismissal will be issued.
  • 3rd violation: Removal from guild with letter of dismissal.

Member Requirements and Promotion Criteria


All potential recruits invited into the guild will be screened by an officer. Only those demonstrating politeness, respect, and a considerate attitude may join our ranks here at the Praetorian Khanate.


Probationary period of one (1) week, in which the Recruit must demonstrate that s/he is active, a team player, and a willing donor. If s/he donates at least 1000 crowns within the week, and is of Knight Elite rank, the Recruit can apply for Member status. Potential Members are to be taken on a run to see how they perform in combat and in a team. The run will be a choice of the following by the Officer: Snarbolax, Jelly King, Roarmulus Twins, or the Recruit's next rank mission. Should the Officer deem the Recruit worthy, they will promote her/him to Member.

Minimum weekly donation: 500 crowns. Minimum monthly donation: 2000 crowns.


Probationary period of one (1) week as Member. To apply for Veteran rank, the Member must be of Defender Elite rank, and must demonstrate that s/he is willing to help other members and that s/he civil in most situations.

Minimum weekly donation: 1000 crowns. Minimum monthly donation: 4000 crowns.


Candidates are appointed at the GM's discretion. However, anyone is welcome to apply if s/he feels that s/he meets all the requirements. Candidates must be at least Champion rank, and must demonstrate the following attributes:

  • handles matters in a diplomatic fashion
  • be extremely active (comes online at least 4 times a week)
  • be competent in combat (be able to carry a team through any rank mission)
  • contribute at least 2000 crowns a week
  • be willing to make apprentices and train recruits

S/he must also display the following personal qualities: friendliness, kindness, level-headedness, patience, adaptability, a strong sense of responsibility, the ability to lead and give clear instructions, and the ability to use sound judgment in all situations.

Officers are expected to commit to any run they have taken on with teammates, and see the run through to the end. When teammates fall during combat, Officers must revive them - provided teammates are incapable of reviving themselves and speak honestly on this matter - at a maximum of 1 spark per member per floor.

Optional Assistance: Officers are required to help guild members with key missions for the said member to advance further through the ranks. Repeat missions, Prestige and Danger Missions are all optional.




Feb. 16th - Independence Day


Coming soon!

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