Order of Flame (Guild)

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Order of Flame
GuildLogo-Order of Flame.png

See the Flame, Touch the Flame, Become the Flame!

Guild Founder: FlamingShadow
Approx. Population: 3

Guild Officer(s):
  • FlamingBird


Welcome to the Order of Flame Guild Page. The Order of Flame is a guild dedicated to the realm of Fire and Lava. The guild itself is relatively new so the perks and information are little. What can be said is that our Guild is dedicated to being Friendly to others and openly assisting others in missions, expeditions, boss battles or other things.


The premise behind the rules are that a lot of them are more optional. The first list of rules are the Mandatory rules all guild members must follow.

Rule #1 : To uphold a good image, all guild members must show respect for all other guild members and also those no within the guild.

Rule #2 : For Officers, Demotion of others is allowed but you must inform a Guild Master with the reason why for a final verdict.

Rule '3 : When recruiting others, We require at least Soldier rank with 3 Star gear. This is required so every can earn their fare share for the guild.

These rules are not mandatory but are strongly recommended for the benefit of the Guild as a whole.

Rule #1 : Due to the Guilds upkeep price, we Request any guild member deposit at least 500cr to help pay for our Guild Hall.

Rule #2 : The guild has a Energy Bank so we would kindly ask when withdrawing energy, try not to take energy 2+ days in a row, this is to allow others to get the energy as well.

Rank Perks

Currently, due to the lack of members and funding, the benefits each rank provides are no different than the actual benefits they already provide.

Guild Masters :

No Special Perks provided!

Officers :

No Special Perks provided!

Veteran :

No Special Perks provided!

Members :

No Special Perks provided!


No Special Perks provided!

Guild Hall

Even though the guild is fairly recent, our guild hall is already expanding. The information about our guild hall is listed below.

Upkeep : 12,000cr a Week

Current Expansions :

    - 1F East Wing
    - 1F West Wing
    - 2F East Wing
    - 2F West Wing
    - 2F Central War Room

Current Rooms :

    - Alchemy Room
    - Auction Room

Extra Perks :

    - Energy Well
    - Guild Storage
    - 100 Member Limit

Current Members

Guild Masters :

    - FlamingShadow

Officers :

    - FlamingBird


Veteran :

    - Phantomevil

Members :



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