Rainlight (Guild)

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Guild Founder: Ragga-Prince and Gianor
Approx. Population: 5-15

Okay, the cute little background section of the wiki page

Rainlight was created on November 5th ,2014 by Gianor and I (Ragga-Prince. We wanted Rainlight to be somewhere that people didn't have to feel burdened to donate. A Guild where you could just have fun and kick back while charing with some great people.

What we do and how amazing our guild hall looks

We take frequent runs to all different kinds of bosses, we run missions with each other and I think we are working our way up there. Every once and a while, when we have enough people online, we will try to play GvG Lockdown or Blast Network and we get really competitive. And our guild hall is loved by all who see it.

I guess if you REALLY want to join, scroll further down

If you would like to join our great big family, then fill out the application below, I am almost guaranteed you will be able to join as we are always willing to meet new people and have them experience the awesomeness of Rainlight. You can post your Application on the Devilish forum page or, you can mail it to me in-game (IGN: Ragga-Prince)

This guild can be fun but we still got rules

-Do not spam, beg or WTS/WTB on the guild chat server, it is where we talk about our days and just have fun, not where we beg

-Have as much fun as you possibly can

-Do not abuse the Guild Storage to make money, it is only there for those "essential last Materials" kind of thing

-Do not, EVER, insult or put down other guildies or you will be immediately demoted or removed from the guild

-If you are an Officer, do not change the guild hall, I can see who changes it, I can also change it back...just don't...dumb idea...

-Last but not least, always have fun (you know its important when I say it TWICE)


1:What is you IGN?

2:What Teir or Star is your equipment?

3:What is you timezone?

4:Do you play Blast Network or Lockdown?

5:What is your favorite thing to do in SK?

6:Would you be willing to donate somewhat regularly to the guild treasury?

7:Why do you want to join this guild?

8:Have you ever been to a Shadow Lair, if so, which ones?

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