Destiny Rebellion (Guild)

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Destiny Rebellion
GuildLogo-Destiny Rebellion.png

Sonzai Suru Chenjā

Guild Founder: Chaos-Mist
Approx. Population: 20
Guild Master(s):

Chaos-Mist (Unavailable atm)

Guild Officer(s):

Nuvoiun (temp), Blazehearty (temp)

Destiny Rebellion: Story

Guild Rules


In order to be promoted the Knight looking for promotion must take the initiative! If you have met the requirements a GM/Off will not promote you without your request.

Guild Rooms If you want a room in the guild, you have to pay the weekly upkeep for that wing in advance. Guild rooms are rank prioritised. If a higher rank needs a room and there are no more rooms available, ask a Guild Master and they will pay the owner of the room 10kcr as-well as the cost for any furniture in the room. This is done as guild rooms are relatively cheap and so there will likely be over-subscription to rooms at some point.

Guild Tokens

Guild Tokens can be exchanged for the following items (of spenders choice) (note that for rare equipment, exchange of tokens is for the recipe);

Yy-Uu-Killedbatman has 350 tokens.

Fabylon has 1050 tokens.

Nuvoiun has 1350 tokens.

Guild Meeting

Not sure if guild meetings are happening atm - Chaos. Ask Blazehearty and/or Nuvoiun. If Blaze or Nuvo is reading this, please do edit it to input the information.

For guild updates, competitions and a friendly chat join "The_Wolver_Club_Official_Page" on Facebook (The official page of The Wolver Club and The Destiny Rebellion). ""

If you join the guild Facebook try to introduce yourself. It's awkward if we think you're just some random who saw the page linked to a friend. ^^

From The GMs


Nuvo and Blaze now in charge. Hopefully I can come back soon...for multiple reasons. 1. Wanna help in the guild 2. Bored 3. Guild 4. Bored 5. Guild

Hall Of Fame

Chaos Mist (Guild Founder)

Hall Of Shame

[This is where those who have been permanently banned are written! Fortunately no-one's here yet. :D]

Guild Improvement!

- Have any ideas to improve the guild? Post them here for a GM to see (or mail them to a GM in game) to have your idea considered. :D
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