Dark Cyber Knights (Guild)

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Revision as of 08:23, 28 May 2015 by Sshs (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the Dark Cyber Knights wiki page

Dark Cyber Knights
Logo coming soon!
Guild Masters Firoknights, Xephyris
Officers Inderpendance, Dagunner


:: 28/MAY/2015
I'm leaving Spiral Knights. It's been fun for the four or so year, but I must leave now. Firoknights will take over as Guild Master. Ciao! -Xephyris
:: 02/FEB/2015
I'm taking a break from spiral knights and will not be playing for 9 months or so. I may be on sporadically to play a bit and see how the guild is doing. But for now, Inderpendance will take over as the head Guild Master. See you all later! -Xephyris
:: 16/APR/2014
Lezalfos has moved on from our guild and is no longer head officer. Munchkun and Munchkan have been promoted to head officer now. We will also be starting a new recruitment campaign, so get ready to welcome a bunch of new players! -Cubiczeus
:: 23/JUN/2013

The guild hall has been updated with a few chairs and tables. This took a large chunk out of our guild funding. Please remember to pay 1,000cr to the guild hall each week to help pay for the guild upkeep. Thanks!

How do I pay guild upkeep?
1. Go to the guild hall by opening up the social tab(f6) and clicking 'guild options'>>'go to guild hall'
2. Find the circular control panel in the control room and activate it.
3. Open the guild treasury.
4. Enter as little or as much crowns as you like.
5. You're done! donations are much appreciated and encouraged.

:: 22/JUN/2013
Welcome to the new wiki page! Stay tuned for updates.


The guild was founded by Dark-Cyber-Knight, who later passed it on to Cubiczeus, who then passed it on to Xephyris, the current Guild Master. Our guild is non-competitive and all about having fun and chilling with guildies. Our current population is about 70, and we are always welcoming new members. Anyone is welcome to join so long as they are mature and active.

Guild Guidelines

  • Don't beg or be a nuisance to other players.
  • Have fun (or else).
  • Be as active as possible!
  • Donate crowns to the guild, if you can spare it.
  • Be mature, and keep it PG!
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