User talk:Novaster

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Revision as of 02:19, 29 September 2015 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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Archived discussions can be found here. If you have a suggestion for Spiral Knights, please use the Suggestions Forum instead. If you need assistance with your account, use the links on the Support Portal to get help.

Please keep edits here limited to things about the wiki that I've done, or that you are very sure I can help with. I am not an employee, just a very overly enthusiastic gamer and wiki editor. All my work is volunteer - and I value every moment :). That being said, I'll be happy to help if I can. -Novaster 16:32, 2 January 2015 (UTC)

Please add new messages to the bottom under a new section.

Messages Here

Ah, that's good to hear. I'm fairly new to this, and, so I appreciate the advice you gave.

-Knightriel 12:27, 1/17/2015 (GMT)

Rather than spend 25cr to send in-game mail, 'leaving this here-- "Romala" in the Embermist Scavengers guild is the knight-person who owns the shadow drakon I took a screenshot of. --Froglegs 10:34, 28 June 2015 (UTC)

Nvm. I found the dude. --Froglegs 11:23, 28 June 2015 (UTC)

I'm never adorable.

You know this. Just figured I'd do a couple of small-ish changes then go back to being dead. --Acies 08:39, 22 January 2015 (UTC)

WeaponInfo for Bombs

Did the Bombs, though with your last changes in the Template most "Ability"-Boxes are currently empty. -Hennils 22:12, 26.03.2015 (CET)

Thanks a bunch, will get right on that. -Novaster 22:53, 26 March 2015 (UTC)

Gear Halo stuff

Which tag did you use? --Clotho 18:35, 3 April 2015 (UTC)

Wheel Launcher

I understand your point completly, maybe we should keep them in the monster section but add them in the exploration section too (Firestorm Citadel and Grinchin Assault). I consider that the 'construct-launcher' is the monster and the spiked wheel is the exploration element (that is why I didnt add Grinchlin Assault into the location of the Wheel Launcher, because only the spiked wheels appear). Don't forget that we will probably see Wheel Launchers again in the incoming new FSC mission! - Sir Onox

Exploration Image

Here it is, I think. - Altmetal 08/05/15

Monster Visuals

Seems a good idea, specially if we start with dangerous monsters like Almirian Crusaders, Mecha Knights or Deadnaughts, how we should make this? Have you an early concept about how the article should be done? - Sir Onox

Crash Site

I have been updating The Ancient Generator and Crossing the Chasm with your new interface and looks pretty good, but what about Crash Site? It doesn't have a 'card mission', should I just add the pink-purple-gate like image for the level? - Sir Onox'

I'd look through the files and try to find a visual like this one here. Or just a picture of the crash site, or the crash pod you see when making a knight. Or I can do that later and add in a size control parameter so the infobox stays reasonable. -Novaster 19:45, 14 May 2015 (UTC)
Oh! Since it's not exactly a mission, you probably shouldn't use the mission page format - treat it like a geographical area. Basically, if it doesn't have a card thing in the menu...ah, here, Moorcroft Manor is a good example of a geographical area page. That being said, I was planning on sprucing those up. I'd leave this mini project alone for now and focus on the new stuff. -Novaster 19:52, 14 May 2015 (UTC)

Monster image centering broken

Your edit here broke the centering of the images (as well as the "Tier X" text), which looks strange in my opinion as it leaves a lot of blank space on monsters that only have one image. I'd try to fix it myself, but I have no idea what your edit even does and I don't want to accidentally break something else messing with it. ~katsy 23:26, 14 May 2015 (UTC)

Actually, same-appearance monster images were not centered in published form before my edit. I kept it like it was (to the left) and I've always thought it was weird. If it had been center, I would have kept it centered. I'll center it now if that's what users want. The tier X text was also unaffected - the published monster templates all show them just fine. The edit merely makes it easier for people to upload images. A discussion about that can be found here.
I am glad someone else wanted it center. That's been driving me nuts for years. All images are centered in the cells now. Though I'm wondering what your issue is with the Tier X text not showing up - it shows up in published pages as well as the raw template. Unless you're talking about some other Tier X text? I assume you mean the text above each image.
For reference, this line here: {{{image1|{{SKCell|'''{{{tier1|Tier 1}}}'''<br>[[Image:Monster-{{{name|Image Needed}}}{{{imgfix|}}}.png|128px]]|center|left|||128px}}}}} , with focus on this bit:|center|left|||128px}}}}} is the reason same-appearance monster images were to the left all these years, since it only registered for the first pic, and for same-appearance monsters, there was only ever one picture. -Novaster 23:52, 14 May 2015 (UTC)
Thank you, it looks way better now. By the way, this is what it looked like for me before your edit. If it was showing up to the left for you, then the way I did it probably wasn't compatible with your browser. Your centered versions works for both of us, so that's good. ~katsy 00:02, 15 May 2015 (UTC)
Hurray-Novaster 00:08, 15 May 2015 (UTC)

Mission Pages

Love the schematic way that it looks now. Really good job as always! I'm going to re-done the battle sprites missions with this new format, I dont think to find some trouble editing now, heh. By the way, A lot of icon levels use the 'Crossing the Chasm clockwork level', we can't do innecesary duplicates for every level that use that icon. What do you propose to make it less confusing? - Sir Onox

elite orbs need

Novaster, if you could help me with getting 5 elite orbs, that would be extremely helpful because I have a 4 star hall of heroes and I need 5 more elite orbs to get through it1462 00:19, 21 May 2015 (UTC)

Please keep this talk page about wiki matters, as it is on the wiki. You can mail me in-game about playing the game. Sign your posts with ~~~~ so you get a timestamp. -Novaster 14:23, 19 May 2015 (UTC)


If you would love to play games like minecraft with friends then you can make a server on minecraft and use spiral knights to tell me it or you can join my server and I can tell you the server information with spiral knights mail -1462 02:04, 25 May 2015 (UTC)

We'll see. I'm very tired right now (it's late where I am). My IGN is Novaster like it is here. -Novaster 02:06, 25 May 2015 (UTC)

Icons & Stuff

Well, I like the 'generic' gate icons, seems that there is a lot of work to do reconstructing the old mission articles, specially with the progression part. Is it really necessary adding the "no-adventure missions" in the Preceded by and Followed by? I would prefer if the preceded/followed part skip to the next "adventure mission" instead just a "listen mission". I don't know how to say this correctly, but I think that you understand me with this little trouble. - Sir Onox

Yes yes! Im glad that im not the only one who thinks that the list of missions article looks a bit chaotic now. Maybe the "no-adventure missions" deserve his own article too, but yup, I agree that people are interested in the SK lore so maybe we should do those kind of missions too. Tell me when you finish the changes for the missions structure, it is very tedious re-editing the old missions all of time x_x - Sir Onox
Huh. I thought I updated every page that used the missioninfo template with the changes. Did I miss something? -Novaster 09:46, 27 May 2015 (UTC)

a mail you sent me on spiral knights

That reply you gave me really hurt my feelings, i wasnt even begging, all i did was say that i need 5 elite orbs, plus i dont need them anymore so please unignore me, that reply was for no reason, so yeah, think before you reply your in-game mails--1462 00:35, 31 May 2015 (UTC)

That was you? Oh boy. First off, introduce yourself. That was just another beggar talking, no clue at all that it was you from the wiki. But that ultimately doesn't matter: Asking me, or anyone, for money of any kind (8 elite orbs, or, 5, as you say now) is wildly inappropriate, unless you or someone you care about would die without it. It doesn't matter that you don't need them anymore, you're just going to ask for something else. think before your reply you in-game mails - I auto-ignore beggars after years of trying to convince every beggar I've seen to not beg, with a 100% failure rate. It's pretty simple. -Novaster 05:17, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
Ok, im very sorry about that, i wont ever ask you for something i need, not even if i need the ternal orbs for my 5 star hall of heroes coming with my next sub tank, i can get them on my own, i get 3 free eternal orbs before my next hall of heroes anyway--1462 12:03, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
Oh and plus if you look on my user page, it says that my knight is kian-slime-lord and if you saw that name on the mail, you will know its me, just wanted to send up this follow up note --1462 02:13, 5 June 2015 (UTC)
I generally don't read user pages on the wiki unless it's by request or they need to be edited for ToS reasons. I don't have time for that kind of thing with all the work I do here and irl. The wiki isn't a social blog and user pages have that flavor. This still doesn't excuse begging. "Follow-up notes" like these are not necessary. The point of my lecture above was so that you make polite, mature mails introducing yourself with lots of information. The world does not revolve around single people, you can't expect everyone to be on the ball about everything all the time. Please stop contacting me. The only reason I contact you is to deal with mistakes and damage you've done. -Novaster 09:32, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

Issue with dialogue

Hey Novaster, do you mind helping me? I am tackling down the latest one, The Pioneers, but the issue is, after the 10th picture of dialogue it just stops showing the rest and i don't know why. Could you help? --Ciardha 15:32, 29 July 2015 (CEST)

It has happened. The dreaded "more than 10 CD PD entries." There's probably a better way to code this sort of thing, but I'll just do the chunky thing for now. Try again after you see the template edit in recent changes. --Novaster 13:38, 29 July 2015 (UTC)
Ok, I'll do that then. thanks! --Ciardha 15:42, 28 July 2015 (CEST)
The only way I can think of atm to keep this from being a problem in extra long conversations is to use the dialogue mimic template individually each time, but then you have a less organized thing and a lot of calls. All I know of coding is self taught...someone with a paid education and/or more experience, and and a willing heart to do a moneyless task, could make the code less chunky, but, I suppose as long as it works it's okay. :) --Novaster 13:46, 29 July 2015 (UTC)

Hey :)

Hey! thx for the msg, do u saw me? hahah i was about to leave u a msg early in the morning. Big fan of urs haha, sounds stupid but i like what u do in this wiki, templates and stuff are so great, envy~ hahaha. Btw now that i finally have a reason to write u i may tell u that i want to do something for this wiki, byut first im helping traslating the content to spanish, i asked in the forums and tell me it is fine but just so u know i dont plan to take credit for the templates and such xD. I have just traslate the main seccion (armor, helmet, shield, bomb, sword and guns) and complete the sword(espada) section, it would be nice if u check it out and tell me if its okay what im doing because im new (u know, because i didnt do the templates, i just traslate them) , im just getting used to wiki's format but i think i got the basic. Take care ^^ (Btw, in the sandbox, option 7 is my fav) sorry the mess i did the first day i edit the wiki haha --Hikaru 01:18, 19 August 2015 (UTC)

Whatever you're doing is probably okay as long as it's within SK's Terms of Service as well as w/e falls under CC BY-NC-SA. What you're doing, as far as I can tell, is a pretty huge task, so you might want to ask GMs about it if you need help with foreign (foreign to me ;P) language. Whatever I or other users put on the wiki - including images, code, and so on, belongs to the wiki under CC, not the creators/uploaders. Cheers. --Novaster 00:28, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
Ok i think i know how to "reply" now xD. Well thats what i've read, i asked in forums too and well, now i just add in the summary of every page translated the version like [this] and yeah, it is alot because the spanish wiki was/is so bad... u may have notice the amount of red links, thats why i decided to give it a try, as long as i see, im the only one editing so far xD Clotho helps sometimes but have not since Jun, so everything is outdated, without tags and not even exist xD (Sealed Sword's img was green lol) but yeah, i will do the best i can. One thing i need to fix is, in the table of damage, the show/hide adds a # in the URL and make the page go to the top, to not make ur page long, i asked in the forums [here]. It would be nice if you could tell me how to fix it, or tell me why that happens, if not its okay! Thx for effort, english's wiki looks nice~ take care! (Oh and, btw, do u want me to help later to make all sword pages like the ones from spanish? ([example] but ofcourse in english, i dunno its thats planned) --Hikaru 01:18, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
Sorry, the English wiki is all I have time for, and I can count the number of Spanish words I know on one hand, so even if I had time, I wouldn't be able to do much at all. You'll want to brush up on coding technique and parser functions used by MediaWiki. A lot of problems would stem from integration issues, redirects, and subpage use, which are established on the English wiki and flow into each other easily, but I imagine are lacking in other languages. --Novaster 01:33, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
Oh, yeah i know dont worry ^^, i did not expect u to help me with the spanish wiki but more like, what i did wrong with the table's code and wow, that will take time to read haha, but i trough mediawiki was the same for all (english's/spanish's media wiki) i would have to check it because, even putting the same code (in english) in the spanish wiki, i get that error (the # after click show/hide). I will have to read about that because, even if it doesnt do anything bad, it is pretty annoying xD. Anyways, thx alot for the advice and keep up witht eh good work ^^! --Hikaru 03:17, 19 August 2015 (UTC)


Thank you for cleaning up my discussion page, it's easier to figure out what's pending now! I'm a little swamped at the moment so it's going to take me some time to get through the list. I'll update as soon as I'm able to take care of those pending requests. Thanks again! --Clotho 19:53, 27 August 2015 (UTC)

About Category's Themes

I just notice, while checking the Biohazard's category that it is in the Vile Theme, then i fix the pages without the number and notice the Venom Veiler isnt in the category but its alchemy path it is. The Venom Vailer is in the Poison Theme (which just have 4 items) and the color pattern's page said Vile and Poison are the same, why? Also, the Dread Venom Striker, the second item in the Poison Theme, also have the its 4* in the Vile Theme. It is a mistake? Just in case i ask here, it is better than leaving notes in the summaries right xD? --Hikaru 06:01, 30 August 2015 (UTC)

Vile should only be used for items with vile in the name, or items that follow the vile color theme extremely closely (like only a hue off, such as certain Rose Regalia items). The rest should be categorized as poison-themed. Alchemy paths should never be categorized with a theme, only the alch path category. This is a WiP that's been put on lower priority, as you can tell by many unorganized/categorized items. This seems to be a misunderstanding/mistake on my part regarding the inconsistencies, sometimes I edit way too late in the night. --Novaster 06:24, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
They should be fixed now, thank you. --Novaster 06:31, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
A lot of this stuff is sometimes subject to opinion, unless you're using color ID mapping. It's all about grouping things together so users can find them, so, sometimes we have to "guess" what a user is looking for, but we do try to keep it based on the color IDs. Thanks for the help, and do what you think is best - the wiki will be able to heal mistakes. --Novaster 06:35, 30 August 2015 (UTC)

Equipment Galleries

Oh, well i know u keep it as low priority now because just some weapons have gallery but i trough the category was already done. My mistake xD. Actually it seems better now (both categories). I will start doing it xD sometimes i dont want to start making a mess but u are right about healing these mistakes haha. Btw, i have some "Equipped.png" for guns (the fix angle) but havent cut them yet, same for some preview's image. When i done with that i will send u the link just in case so i can upload them here and complete some galleries. But i want to ask, how can u do APNG? Fraps? APNG is something new for me xD. P.D: I know explain me the process may be long but google can help me with that xD just want to know which program to start and thx for the reply ^^! --Hikaru 07:53, 30 August 2015 (UTC)

There is an APNG and capture guide for our wiki in the Style Guide, here. It is a somewhat complicated process, and mostly freeware/user choice regarding external tools. --Novaster 08:02, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
Omg i didnt see the style guide from this wiki. My eyes are so happy with everything organized haha. I just downloaded the softwares :) will try to make some APNG after done with some main traslate. I want to see if i can handle it xD. Plus i will make a suggest in the discussion's page of weapon. Thx for the help ^^! --Hikaru 08:26, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
By the way, a lot of the tooltip rotations (like this one - just stick "-tooltip animation" at the end instead of -Equipped) have already been uploaded, courtesy of ThePC and Hennils. We mostly just need to do the overworld regular/combos and charge attack demonstrations, then we can publish the galleries. APNG is pretty fun, sometimes I find myself doing it just cause I can. It's also very tedious. I am looking forward to seeing the fixed angle of the guns, but I am going to sleep now. --Novaster 08:37, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
Yeah i saw them after i saw the Divine Avenger (i like to see them spining over and over for no reason xD), thats why i make the sword list first, but only one handgun tooltip is done (Argent Peacemaker) (btw havent check armour/helmet/shield/etc) and the mayority of the guns are in Hall of Heroes/Craft Machine/Auction House so it wouldnt be that hard to get all the tooltips (after i find out how it works xD!) and for the basic/charge att i can do the ones i got (not alot but Cold Iron is on the list xD) and i can ask my friends to help me because i know they have some weapons i dont. To the image, we can use any costume/armour/etc? i will not use shield but dunno which costume/armour can i use, havent see any "format" but i prefer to ask. Nite :D! --Hikaru 09:02, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
I try to wear cobalt, since everyone can get their hands on it easily. It's a basic, consistent thing, and people shouldn't spend money on volunteer work, even if it's virtual monies. --Novaster 15:11, 30 August 2015 (UTC)

Acquisition Template

I been working in the template, instead of doing one by one, i decide to to it by vendor so i can be more sure of the source. Im going to add basil's template now which is why im asking this: Is "List of Basil-only recipes" updated? or it is better if i start doing it checking page per page? because, for the recipes that arent unique in basil i will have to check per page; For the "in the lobby mission" part i will check pages and then check the missions in-game to be sure (if page's mission hasnt been created yet). Basil is the complicated part xD --Hikaru 04:33, 31 August 2015 (UTC)

Really tired, I can't help with this today. The basil page is likely missing some data. For the master acquisition template, we can't do it by vendor, because a huge number of items/item recipes come from more than one vendor. --Novaster 05:05, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Oh nono, u got it wrong (i think), example: i went to Ricasso and it said (hypotetical) 5 items, i go to those 5 items (in the template) and add bazaarvendor|ricasso, then, go to quillion and do the same, etc etc. Owlite Shield have Kragen (in sell item) and Archilius (HoH) with Vatel (in sell recipe) xD. I find it faster this way. Still i will check page by page and take note if something isnt correct. Basil is the tedious part because he have alots of recipes. I will add meanwhile just the one i know are only (like twisted snarble barb) and call it a day. U can reply me tomorrow or when u can :P! No hurries~ :)! I need to sleep too xD! Have a good nite cya~ --Hikaru 05:30, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Something like this, for say, Vatel? And each bazaar vendor, instead of a general statement for all bazaar vendors like I've done with Template:BazaarVendor? Do you want to keep each vendor in their own template like brinks/sullivan or have the strangers in a single template? A separate template per vendor to start would probably be smarter.
[[Vatel]] - {{#switch:{{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}}

Static Wares

|Standard Supply Pack = Always for 2,500 [[crowns]]

Dynamic Wares (recipes - this information is nested under the appropriate subsection in the item's Acquisition section: "Vendors who sell the recipe for this item:")

|Blast Bomb = Randomly for 1,000 [[crowns]]
haha nono, actually, in the Spanish's wiki i did a template for each of them (ricasso, quillion and vatel) and after i saw the Template:BazaarVendor find it way better xD. I dunno much about creating a code but this seems better :o. I like it with the price/crowns. It would be something like Basil's template? I will give my idea and u can tell me if its posible xD: Stranger's vendedors are Greave, Kragen, Quillion, Ricasso and Vatel (this last being recipe's seller) so it can use the code of basil or HoHVendor, something like: (BazaarVendor|name =Ricasso|star= 2|random=yes) so it appear: Ricasso - Randomly for 7,500 crowns. Price are the same for all vendors (except vatel cuz is recipe) but i think it is easier and faster than adding one by one item. I dunno if we can add Greave, Kragen, Quillion and Ricasso as the same and add a "switch" (right?) for vatel, like u did with HoH Vendor --Hikaru 19:25, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
If we did it with a PAGENAME switch we wouldn't have to specify star. It would be more initial work but less work (and potentially less mistakes) down the road. --Novaster 20:14, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Well as PAGENAME seems good too, but i trough like prices where the same would be usefull to not add one by one. Still PAGENAME switchs works too! But now i dunno what to do haha. Should i follow the page's info of adquisition to end the template and post it? I alredy have most of them done. I just need to check the Reward and not-only basil disponibility. I got everything else cover (P.D.: Do u want me to post it? I saw u changed the alphabetic system. (Not Helmet/4 star) but my "fix" was just addthem in that order over A(b-c- blah blah)
Yes, post it. --Novaster 21:02, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Done. Have just a few Basil only template and didnt add the reward or bundle yet
Apologies for earlier misunderstandings - we can easily just use CTRL+F to find items that are there/missing and would really need to do this no matter the organization due to the large number of items - the internal order isn't a big deal, whatever is easier. This will take some time for us to check through. I normally like to get a bunch of people looking for error checks once something is polished and whatnot. But it won't be polished until we work through the uh..."mini templates" (mostly the vendor stuff) within the master template. So it will still be a while (days?) before we implement. Really excellent work. --Novaster 21:27, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Thx ^^! haha and its okay, remember im not native so i get lost trying to explain my ways in english xD And even when i like the "Helmet/4star" i saw the page weights 51kb, and after 31kb its get laggy to edit, so with "Helmet/5star" and the rest of the title would be heavier. I just wanted to know if im going well but seems like i am :)! So im going to continue adding the reward's mission, bundles and Basil's only template to guns from gunnerupdate cuz i already added the others i know. Basil (not only) items would be the last. If u do the base, i can add the info in the BazaarVendor. Meanwhile maybe i can work in the images i was telling u about (equipped and preview, i used Spiral Tailed Helm and Spiral Draped Armor for those cuz is my noob's outfit xD After i got some i will leave u the link :) Thx again! --Hikaru 21:43, 31 August 2015 (UTC)


Updating/checking Basil is going to be a monster. If you look at his page, I added a possible format to the 7-2 "In Cold Blood" mission, as part of what we're working on with mission pages. Not sure if it should be used on the Basil page, or at all for the mission pages, but I think it fits and is slightly more informative (crown information is a pattern emphasized at the top of his page, so repeating it that much in his wares section seems a little odd to me). --Novaster 21:52, 31 August 2015 (UTC)

It looks good! and with the recipe's icon :D that was something i wanted to do. It can work, and leave the amount at the top as u said, with the stars at the top, users can see it easily, i can check lobby's mission but dunno if the "template" In_Cold_Blood/Basil would be to all or was just a test. If they are going to be template then are u going to add them in the mission page? (If not, you should :P works good like gatemap but at the NPC part). Arcada's basil is what makes me cry haha i probably would say noooo to that XD but checking the mission lobby would be fine for me xD. I would like to add that recipe's icon to all the vendros that sell items --Hikaru 22:33, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Projects projects and moar projects. I don't have a lot of time today to do wiki things, and probably won't tomorrow (I might), and I smell a promotion on wednesday based on previous release patterns, so we/I'll get to making the template format for this smooth when I can. --Novaster 22:37, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Ah dont worry :) do it when u can. I know it can take its time to make the code. Right now im going to work in the images, and fix some vendor's page (i am going to try that "sandbox" i have seen xD) i took some screen to cut the image and leave them trasnparent, dunno if thats planned? maybe i will traslating more for the spanish wiki. I let the main list as standby cuz i want to help here, and when finish, traslate it to the spanish --Hikaru 22:49, 31 August 2015 (UTC)

Acquisition v.0.1

I already upload the acquisition templates, i didnt do misc because i dont have any yet but others are fine. I did a minor error in the note at the beginning (like, i copy past and most of them said LIST of ARMOR but is no biggie) but u may change it, i leave it just in case. Some items have Basil and some others Basil + In Lobby but, mostly, basil's template is the last thing left, like i said, i just did the ones i know they sell in basil for sure, maybe some bundles but i will check it tomorrow after u too check it. Now its too late and im going to sleep. Have a nice nite~ (P.D: u can write me here or in my talk page) --Hikaru 03:36, 3 September 2015 (UTC)

Yeah! Wow that's a lot of work, thank you. Nice job. Have a nice rest. --Novaster 03:54, 3 September 2015 (UTC)

Basil Phase 1

Hi~ I will be working today, and return sunday (prob.) if not, monday. But i want to know what have u thinking about Basil, do we need to do another Template for Lobby? Or do we keep ''{{Basil|star=#|only=yes/no}}, lobby of the {{Mission|0}} (unbound)'' as main? In the spanish i put ''{{Basil|star=#|only=yes/no}}'' and then in the other line added ''[[Basil]] in the lobby of {{Mission|name}} and {{Mission|name}}.'' so the line of Basil acquisition wouldnt be that long but dunno how to continue --Hikaru 19:47, 4 September 2015 (UTC)

Copy the format of In Cold Blood/Basil. This is designed to plug into the implementation of Template:Floor/Standard Lobby via a switch. But another editor is interested in doing this work, so let's keep your focus (and mine, for a while) on the acquisition templates, which are separate endeavors. --Novaster 20:33, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
Yeah i did, i added the recipes from 3-1 to 4-2 i can add the recipes i know in the acquisition template cuz there is not anything left to do in the acquisition template but basil (i just need to check the bundles cuz i forgot it last nite), thats why i moved to basil but arcada is way hard to me --Hikaru 20:54, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
What's left is implementation, if you're sure the acquisition templates are done. Check each page as you implement to make sure the template has the right information. I can start with 5* or 0*, and you 0* to 5* and we meet in middle, or other way around, if you wish. --Novaster 20:58, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
Er, per item type. We should work on different item types to avoid edit conflicts for the acquisition template fixes. --Novaster 20:59, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
Acquistion Template is almost done (after i add bundles and check each just in case) but still Basil is left, just some items have Basil template. So thats why i asked about recipe/lobby --Hikaru 21:05, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
Oh well, if that's what's stopping us then do it. --Novaster 21:07, 4 September 2015 (UTC)

Card User

I just notice that u did a template for Users (ID Card). I can use it? i always trough it look nice :). Im just asking because i dunno hahah feels bad if i just use it.

Yeah I'd love it if you used it :) --Novaster 01:25, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
Thx so much ^^! --Hikaru 01:36, 9 September 2015 (UTC)


How u do that?! Thats awesome ._.!!!!1 *likes forever*

Div style (⌐■_■). --Novaster 23:26, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
Yeeeaaaaahhhh --Hikaru 23:57, 9 September 2015 (UTC)

What to do

In which category should i put this icons? Xbox.gif PSN.png Skype.png Deviantart.png Steam Logo.png Youtube.png Steam Icon.png Steam.png Google-plus.png Mail.png Seems like user can add them to their userpage or guild but didnt find a good cat to add them, icon image's tag should remain in-game related in my opinion. Can we create some kind of category that those who want to make an userpage/guild can check for icons? We can add the tag to the prestige icons too. I dunno tell me what u think.

For this, I'd ask Clotho what would be best to do. In the past I just slapped the copyright tag on them due to a story I read about Facebook getting upset over misuse of their logo, but there are certain CC liberties we have. A category named "External images" perhaps? --Novaster 17:39, 10 September 2015 (UTC)
Seems like that can be :) but what about Misc images? it would be a place images that are useful but not-related to game. Externals images sounds mostly like the same so any of those can be usefull ^^ --Hikaru 22:20, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

Also, to dont make another section. There is still these icons of prestige badge: Prestigefinal-green.pngPrestige Rank 1 Red.png45kPrestigeBadge.pngPrestigebadgeaquatwostripedot.pngVermillion-badge-45k.png Prank vanguard.png That are in use. I would remplace them as they have it, only with the new format and URL buuuuut dunno if that count as rude xD --Hikaru 09:04, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

I'm going to slap the character image tag on the ones that are in use. User pages are free format. Unless they break ToS or are using an official icon in the mainspace (they often to for equipment and guild halls, and we've changed the names of those to be more fitting in the past and I've fixed them on user pages because they needed to be deleted), we leave their pages alone. For all you know, they could WANT a blurry version, for whatever artistic reason. Put the delete tag on them if they didn't serve a purpose in the past/won't in the foreseeable future and no pages link to them. --Novaster 17:39, 10 September 2015 (UTC)
Yeah i put the tags in the ones i saw that didnt link anywhere but others (show here) didnt know if add delete or just icon or etc :). --Hikaru 22:20, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

Exploration Modules

Tell me what u think x//x

I can erase some things like "glitter" and fix the lighting now that i notice i blur/delete it kinda wrong xDU maybe i can make the light more transparent-Hikaru 11:13, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

I add the fix to the others module, dunno which one seems better but Mounstrous seem a little too Saturated, i like the Danger/Recon/Information better.

Check the files, i leave some notes. I try to dont make random names but dont ocuppy possible useful names xD

As u may see i but names like, random, that is for u to see it. We can delete it later ofcourse. Or move them.

Well thats all, hope u like them >//<! I can try other style (like the overworld view) but trough this was better.

Going to sleep now --Hikaru 12:13, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

Well this is pretty much exactly what I was looking for! You are right, the monster is a bit saturated. And yes, I'd remove the particle "glitter" or "dust" effects. The Danger Module looks fantastic. This is better than an overworld view for our purposes (we will of course leave the overworld example for Exploration). I think I have a naming convention in mind that will work - I'll put it together after lunch. It involves ComLink, since that's where we saw the danger module at this angle. --Novaster 17:42, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

Okay, so here's a space for the files to work (just add the delete tag to the above files after you upload them to the spaces below):

The only thing that makes me nervous about this is that we only really see the danger module in those few comlinks regarding Herex (and the monster one). But they're representative images, so it should be okay I think. They're just indicating the entity, not saying anything more than that. Furthermore, we need to make sure the recon one is only used for the ones that don't pop into your arsenal as artifacts. As far as I know, this only applies to the one with Arkus. --Novaster 19:09, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

I did the recon cuz maybe it can be useful for artifacts, i didnt know Arkus used it. But this can work in a future, and all look the same but with their icon and color. Glad u like them x3! I will upload them asap~ --Hikaru 22:23, 10 September 2015 (UTC)
Is so good ;n; --Novaster 23:04, 10 September 2015 (UTC)

Exploration Mission

I realize that i suck at adding Exploration's info hahaha would it be okay if i add the format to the pages and u could check the exploration later? sometimes i do it okay but others dont haha. Sorry u//u --Hikaru 23:51, 11 September 2015 (UTC)

Yas. We should always check each others' work. --Novaster 23:52, 11 September 2015 (UTC)
Yeah :D! Thx ^^! --Hikaru 00:01, 12 September 2015 (UTC)


I'm bored... Any projects or something I can help out with? --Snarbylord 05:08, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

Preferably not a page I'm currently working on. This leads to edit conflicts. Check "recent changes" before diving in. There's always things to do! --Novaster 17:19, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

Monster Template

Why the Collector and Grimalkin doesnt appear? Can i add them or there is a reason why they are not in the template? --Hikaru 02:04, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

Oh collector has distinct tier abilities so I stuck him in there that way, and grimalkin/shankles/wisps are a bit weird, with the shanks/wisps being just...everywhere. Add them if you want :)...--Novaster 02:26, 16 September 2015 (UTC)
I will add Grimalkin (in "rare" with mewkat) as it appear in candlekeep's maps, i will see shankles/whisps if i need to add them later :P. About The Collector, i saw this: |T1Collector = {{Monster Icons|Construct}} [[Collector]] and |T1Collector = {{Monster Icons|Construct}} {{status|shock}} [[Collector]] isnt that going to created a conflict? xD --Hikaru 09:22, 16 September 2015 (UTC)
P.D: lol the monster template have prevent its first mistake xD in Time Enough at Last xD aproved! --Hikaru 09:22, 16 September 2015 (UTC)
Ah Grimalkin definitely don't belong in "rare" - rare creatures are the monsters that have a chance to replace other entities. Grimalkin (and the harvester) are more similar to weather effects than anything else, in that they are powerful forces we just have to hunker down and deal with, and they don't drop things. Grimalkin can't be targeted, so I can't tell what family they would even belong to (not that it matters since we can't damage them), I'm guessing undead for obvious reasons, but we can't put the lil icon next to their names as it's misleading. Perhaps the generalized monster icon? As far as mistakes go, yes, they're sneaky and please find them and destroy them. Thanks for implementing it btw. --Novaster 10:53, 16 September 2015 (UTC)
hahah well im getting used to it. --Hikaru 23:23, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

You lucky!

I see that u r going to vacations :O! You lucky :( i want vacations xD im as pale as a paper hahaha (ok not that much but have years without goign to the beach :V). Have fun there~ (i now u are leaving in 5 days but i may forgot haha) and later (not today) i will ask u some things now that u wont be able to reply me if u dont mind ^^! --Hikaru 23:29, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

Ask away. --Novaster 23:30, 16 September 2015 (UTC)
Well, right now all i can think is in crooping. I better ask organized xD. MissNice is gathering info of Basil (which goes cool as a i saw), when all the info of basil is updated do i...
  1. Follow the actual pattern of basil right? no changes on that.
  2. After i have all data, do i implemented it
  3. Do i add Galleries to all the items (i mean, not only 5* but 4*/3*/2*/1*/0*)
  4. I put all template damage's in "state=collapsed"
  5. Add icons of Monsters and/or status (Like this one but with the notes above the gallery)
  6. Add video demostration (if i find one)

Thats all about acquisition sections i can think of.

About the Missions well, i will add format and try to fill boxes with the data and screen i gather with my "mule". only think i can think of its, which resolution do you take screens? i have max resolution in the game.

About that cropping i was talking about: i want to crop and make transparent background to all NPCs(Mugshots like this) and Monsters. As i see u have a square format, i can keep that square but just make it transparent (i mean, without rezise the file). I dont think exploration's images need to be croped cuz they are part of the map, it looks better with the map and all squared. Dunno what u think about all this xD --Hikaru 23:54, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

  • 1 - no changes, correct.
  • 2 - yes, go ahead. Was hoping to fix the entire page as we go along, as the ToC sections of many are very out of order. There is a format to this we agreed upon here. Tehee, I think you'll notice I already used the new Acquisition Template for the new bomb.
  • 3 - add galleries if you have all the files (news images are hit and miss of course). Obsidian Edge has a finished gallery. We're delayed in this because of file size limits and might have to resort to gifs. Youtube is being very awful with its restrictions (Chawkthree's channel was put down it seems), so a gallery would be reliable and useful over time considering the unreliability of external websites, at no fault of individual users. This is something that will take an eternity to complete, so no, don't add galleries unless you have content ready for the galleries.
  • 4 - As far as I can tell, yes.
  • 5 - cute idea but leads to linking repetition, which is a nono. I'd stick with linking the first mention of the word without the icon, cause then you run into "well why doesn't the second/third/fourth wolver have an icon too?" Just treat it like a regular word when in paragraph format. Bulleted lists we can have fun with.
  • 6 - Get permission from the poster. We have a "yes" from Chawkthree, Meroka, and (I think?) outbreak gaming. This is just to be polite. Staff says the following, regarding videos: You may post videos in the "external links" section of a wiki page, or on your own user page, provided that the video does not contain material that violates our Terms of Service. It's fine if the video you're linking is monetized, but the YouTube description must credit SEGA and Three Rings, and must provide a link back to our game." - Spiral Knights Support, 09 March 2015. It's a pity we can't embed.

For missions, copy the gate map phrasing, not what's on the page. A few of those things are wrong due to being out of date.

If you want to spend time cleaning up monster mugshots, go for it.

You are right about exploration images not needing cropping (same for overworld monster shots, I'd leave them the way they are. We've had lots of sensitive forum threads about them in the past). The environment in the background conveniently reveals their general location sometimes. Though considering that, Basil's mugshot needs an update. Pretty sure we can't find him anyplace like that anymore! And yeah, we try to upload the same dimensions consistently. Understandably some things are just too large though.

I run my game at 1024x768 50Hz.

--Novaster 00:55, 17 September 2015 (UTC)

Oh there was somethings i didnt know. --w8 what! Chawkthree's channel is down?! omg it was fine a month ago T_T so bad... i liked his videos ._.! Well then i think i got it all!
Im kinda aww for the 5º, i like tiny icons! but u r right about the repetitive. Also, yes i saw the bomb :D its looks pretty awesome and i saw new wings! it will be so expensive that hurt xD. And, its a Yes for NPC-mugshots, and a No for monsters. And i took some good-quality screens of basil and others, i will leave the gray circle behind them (transparent but without the map seening) if they have them.
If there is another thing u might think i could help tell me :) at least to keep it mind. Thx btw ^^! --Hikaru 01:53, 17 September 2015 (UTC)
Everything. Fix the entire wiki, go. Cure cancer first. --Novaster 01:57, 17 September 2015 (UTC)
Hahhahahahaha xD! But ok then, going to medicine's school right now! It might take me a while though *sound of the motor of a car* --Hikaru 02:07, 17 September 2015 (UTC)

Redaction and History

Im having a few dificulties with the notes... Maybe cyz im not native and thats why its hard to me to write it (U may have seen my horrors when i try to type so fast xD). Im doing notes of Slime's mission and was looking the release's history BUT it have severals changes... do i add them all? Lol this is what i have so far...
This mission was introduced with release 2011-02-11. The Royal Jelly had suffer several changes in the past. It difficulty was increased a bit with release 2011-02-14 but with release 2011-04-11 it tantrums were slightly less violent. Later, with release 2011-04-13 it regeneration was reduced with the numbers of minions. After that, with the introduction of Shadow Lairs at release 2011-10-19 its fight was changed.
and i still need to put release 2011-10-21 (Royal Jelly defense values brought in line with the rest of the Slime family) and release 2012-05-09 (Crown and heat payouts have received further balancing, most notably in the Royal Jelly Palace.). Its this worth? Or should i add just the introduced's date and the battle change in the Shadow Lair's patch (2011-10-19)? --Hikaru 01:29, 18 September 2015 (UTC)

Restrict the notes to the level area itself. Some of those pertain to the Royal Jelly monster only, not really the Royal Jelly Palace. I can take care of this if you want. --Novaster 01:34, 18 September 2015 (UTC)
Ohhh u are right, im talking about the notes of the mission itself, not the Boss *facepalm*. Well we can do as i was doing, i do what i can and then u check if theres something need to be changed. Im going to add monsters and exploration now :) just checking info ^^ Thx :) --Hikaru 02:08, 18 September 2015 (UTC)

Mission Format

I just notice Rise or Fall didnt have format yet but i remember it was cuz i dunno how to. What can i do with First/Second/Thrid bout's table? --Hikaru 00:41, 19 September 2015 (UTC)

I was going to make a template for players can see pictures and then read the strategy next to 'em...Useful for important and complicated levels such as arenas and danger missions with huge set maps but distinct fight areas. I'll see if I can get to it tomorrow. --Novaster 01:26, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
Oh i see. Then i will leave it like that :) --Hikaru 01:34, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
Well go ahead and fix the format of the page. We can always look at the bout stuff via history. --Novaster 01:35, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
Aye Aye~ then :3. I was taking note of what is missing so i can start filling all the lost info ^^! --Hikaru 02:20, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
Okay, I will work on something pretty soon (after IRL packing for the trip and whatnot) that will work for complicated areas such as danger missions. I think we can still stick to the gallery format with arenas - see "The Last Stand" of The Gauntlet for an example of something as complex as something should get (if even that) without the template I'll make later today. --Novaster 14:45, 19 September 2015 (UTC)


O-M-G you do all that edit when a prize box is out?. I think i did it good and cover all about the autumn prize box. If you say there was no mistakes i will be like "yay~ im learning" haha keep having fun in your vacations~ --Hikaru 04:13, 24 September 2015 (UTC)

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. It's a lot of work, most of it behind the scenes. Especially the redirects, which I dislike very much. --Novaster 23:54, 28 September 2015 (UTC)

NPC pages

Notes now that we've run into a few obstacles:

  • Noticed that appearances are lengthy and complex. They really shouldn't go in the infobox. Moving them to the main article in their own section is better. Besides, the picture in the infobox is worth 1000 words. Most other wiki's I've seen do things this way. Of course, for certain NPCs, we will use a template to make listing equipment easier.
  • The infobox entry needs to be simplified so monster species can be specified, for example, "spookat" instead of "monster."
  • List vs. Individual: somehow clarify... just think of NPCs as weapons. We have a list of each weapon type: bomb, handgun, sword. Each weapon has its own page. "leviathan blade" is a "sword," which is a "weapon." "Virgil" is a "spiral warden," which is a "type of NPC." --Novaster 23:54, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
Apparence: Knights are the one who should have them in the infobox, for Gremlins need only the items extra (Nonna, has a Flower an a Mask for example), for Strangers it is not that necessary i guess just add the mask "symbol" and the "main color" and in case other thing (like Bootshuze how kinda looks like a gremlin) add it but only in general, for monsters, just add which family it is because in appearance, almost all monster are the same.
Infobox: Agreed.
List vs individual: A main list of NPCs could be fine and can be sorted like missions which have Rank mission, Prestige mission, Expansion Missions and arcade mission, in a NPC list would be Knight, Strangers, Monsters, and Bosses.
For an extra thing, i would like a "title" parameter. The Role parameter would not be shown in the page but help to add the category but the Title would show. Like Archilus, he would be Knight: Elemental Defender but his role parameter would have vendor and the category would be added. For those without tittle a switch can be added to show the role then. --Hikaru 00:17, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
PD: the px in the mugshot should be fixed, i tried but faild EDIT: Cool! thx~ but isnt a tiny? though it would have the width of the info box. Anyways when you come back we can talk it better ~ --Hikaru 00:17, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
It currently matches the basic infobox dimensions (such as Bolted Vee default, which is 201x222px), but for some reason the template doesn't like #x#px restriction. IMO the Basil pic is now the perfect size, but for pics that are erm...out of date, regarding your great transparency and isolation work, will not look so hot. Bulky isn't looking happy, for example, but when he's isolated like Basil is, I think it will be a good size. This works pretty well for overworld shots such as Edger too, but I think I/we should try harder to make sure the overworld pic dimensions are a square instead of a rectangle (which I didn't because Edger was larger than my standard capture), for various reasons. I suppose the left/right padding is a bit much and could be looked into (all that empty blue space to the left/right of the pictures in the infobox is what I'm referring to, a separate issue from image size, though they are related yest). And yeah I really should sleep...had a lot of downtime today because of the thing that cut the vacation short, which is a family medical emergency. --Novaster 02:19, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
Yes and the px. EDIT: fixed the px issue...but not in the way I really wanted to, oh well. Regarding the infobox, it really has to be consistent. We can't have appearance in the infobox just for knights, when every NPC has an appearance that can be described (which is different than other topics which not every entity has, such as "depth range" not being a thing for dialogue missions). It makes finding the same type of information a real hassle, and is the reason people are so unhappy with many equipment pages, which were slapped together in the past with inconsistent ToC sections as well as inconsistent ToC order. Here are some examples from other wikis, regarding appearances (I don't necessarily agree with the format of these wikis, just showing the description of how they look in paragraph/partial list form is the point here):

I regret not using this format with the page format I set up from the start, as it seems to be the proper thing to do. --Novaster 00:50, 29 September 2015 (UTC)

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