Emerald Axis II

From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 13:54, 26 April 2011 by Steffo (Talk | contribs)

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Appearing to be sky islands ripped apart and put back together again as if it were a puzzle this world can sometimes be confusing to navigate. Unfortunately it seems to also be home to the host of mindless slimes and constructs who do not seem to mind its erratic layout.


This image shows an issue with this stage. Do not put the key behind the upper gate or you will be stuck. Putting the golden key behind the upper gate and activating the party button will result in the key being unobtainable. That is, once you defeat all of the monsters, the upper gate will remain locked, trapping your key behind the gate. You need this key to be able to move forward and complete this depth.

File:Emerald Axis II-Careful.png

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