Chivalrous Crusaders

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Revision as of 22:38, 22 February 2017 by TommytTR (Talk | contribs)

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Hello! You've now entered The Chivalrous Crusaders (TCC) wiki page! We strive to promote chivalry and kindness and are always open to new members. Our goal? To unite as many knights who follow our values under our banner.

About the guild:

Name: Chivalrous Crusaders (Guild)

Motto: Who said, "Chivalry is dead"?

Battle cry: TCC4dayz!

Founders and masters: Tommyttr, Xylke, Hyperreez, Draykoj

Current population: 9

Our members (in order of recruitment):

Guild Masters:







Wattermelloni (hosts offical guild Youtube channel, check it out!)





If you're a existing member, this form is your reference for all our rules, values, and access to the recruitment form sent to all TCC candidates. If you're just visiting, say hello to the rules you are expected to follow throughout your TCC membership. TCC Entry Request Form

Congratulations! You have been recognized to be worthy of joining TCC, The Chivalrous Crusaders! Before you may enter, please fill out this form, answer by inputting the letter, and number if necessary, and your answer to each question. Preferably a simple "yes" or "no":


Do I casually swear, curse, insult and be rude to others? Perhaps speak profanity, blasphemy, or speak often of sexual innuendos?


Do I do speak like this on purpose?


By joining TCC, I promise to perform acts of chivalry, compassion, and mercy to others, can I keep that promise?


By joining TCC, I must be kind to others, including guild members, that kindness comes from my heart, can I be so kind?


Am I willing to accept that everything may not go as I expect? Am I tolerant to such circumstances?


Am I ready to kick butt alongside my fellow Crusaders?


Am I done filling out this form?

If I decide to join TCC, my answers will reflect what my actions upon recruitment will be. I am also aware of the consequences that come if I go against guild rules (which parallel to Spiral Knight Community Standards found here: These punishments include, deduction in rank, being refrained of guild membership, and loss of trust from other members. Please reply to this mail to the sender with your answers.

Do be warned that the Guild Masters have not yet made a method of appropriating ranks, for all those joining and all Recruits, hang in there while we get things sorted out!

General Guild information:

Our Origins:

Not long after awakening on Cradle, an Apprentice, named Tommyttr (Tommy), met Hyperreez (Reez) on his first visit to Haven, not long after he bumped into Xylke (Xyl), who assisted him in battle. One day, as Reez, Xyl, and Tommy were infiltrating the Ironclaw Munitions Factory, Xyl invited one of his friends, Draykoj (Drayko), into the fray and after quickly befriending Drayko, Tommy fought alongside his future founders, and greatest friends. Later on, as the four friends were hanging out, Reez and Tommy had a dynamic idea: to found a guild that values everything about love and despises all things about hate. However, they were only a ragtag team of Knights, and, in Tommy's case, a Soldier; how would they raise 50,000 crowns and 500 energy to even start a guild? It was decided that a "sling", or the pooling of resources for a common goal, would be the best course of action. The question became, who would be "the rock"? As Tommy was good friends with Reez and Xyl, who was in turn friends with Drayko, it was decreed by Xyl, "Tommy brought us all together, he should start the guild". This was met with unified agreement by Reez and Drayko, and within 24 hours TCC was formed.

Personal bios:

Tommyttr: Nicknamed, "The Rock", Tommyttr (or Tommy) was "The Rock" of the sling that started TCC, as the other founders poured crowns into his care to start this wonderful guild. He is also writing almost everything for this wiki page. Currently the highest ranked (Spiral Order rank, not Guild rank) member of TCC, he takes no pride and considers himself equal to all other members, regardless of how shiny his gear is. Not much is known about this Vanguard, either than his personality. Bouncy, often erratic, behavior, his high moral standards, pride-and-selfless outlook, openness to variety, kindness, tendency to fall in combat, and being abnormally cheeky tend to be Tommy's strong points. He was one of Captain Ozlo's interns on board the Skylark before the crash, although he never seemed to enjoy the job. He often speaks of his sister, of whom he has never mentioned the name. Kora and Tommy frequently talk via radio, as recorded by Spiral HQ's communication network, but Tommy never hints at anything even vaguely related to a romance. Nowadays he spends free time hanging out and shooting up baddies until they're so riddled in bullets they could win a Swiss cheese look-a-like competition hands down.

Favored weapons: All Handguns (BANG BANG SHOOT SHOOT BULLET BULLET GUN!)

Favored enemy type: fiends (good challenge)

Most hated enemy type: Gremlins (darn menders...)

On a scale of one-to-ten, what is your favorite color of the alphabet? Answer: (Ignores question, too busy shooting things to really care for such a ridiculous question)


Please submit all questions to Tommyttr via mail, I'll answer them the best I can. Thanks! Tommyttr

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