Order Of Disorder (Guild)

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Order Of Disorder
GuildLogo-Order Of Disorder.png


Guild Founder: Quigar
Approx. Population: #

Rules of Guild

Rules are as followed

  1. Must be respectful to other members and to the guild it self.
  2. Report misbehaving members to the Officers and/or Guild Masters.

(If you brake rule number 1, you lose a star. If you have 0 stars you get kicked.)

Ranking System

   * Recruit - New guild members and not yet informed by the rules or registered.
   * Member - Registered on this page. Have full knowledge of the rules and behaves mature.
   * Veteran - Have a very high experience in the game.
   * Officer - Chosen and trusted by the Guild Master to keep an extra eye on the guild and invite new recruits.

Order Of Disorder Registry

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