Shadow Mercenaries (Guild)

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Shadow Mercenaries is a guild of next-generation knights which provides a strong collaborative effort all together to completely finish any objective that comes to us. Our aim is to be able to have fun with each other while servicing many of the neighboring knights in the community by helping them on runs, defeating bosses, and all sorts of things that may come in the future.

If you would like to have an escort run through any stages or bosses, feel free to send a mail to "Rgn-Vertigo" or "Acerosys" ingame. Forum Recruitment Post:


Shadow Mercenaries was formed since May 17, 2010 by Rgn-Vertigo.


Contact "Rgn-Vertigo" or "Acerosys" answering the following questions:

  • 1) What is your name? (INGAME, In Real Life-- If you would like to tell)
  • 2) How long have you been playing?
  • 3) What gear(s) do you use?
  • 4) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere?
  • 5) Why you would like to join us?
  • 6) Tell us a little more about yourself (If you want to)

Rules and Regulations

  • 1) No cursing/swearing exploitatively in the guild chat or to others making us lose reputation (Which will not result in such good things.) Simple meaning is always be friendly to people inside/outside the guild.
  • 2) No begging for money/crowns (Remember, begging and borrowing is a different case).
  • 3) Sell recipes to guildies at BASIL PRICE.
  • 4) No trolling around... Unless permitted *Trollface.jpg*
  • 5) Always be friendly and kind <3

Guild Members

The list of Knights in Shadow Mercenaries [January 4'th, 2011 +7 GMT]


Page created by: Rgn-Vertigo & Acerosys

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