Dashing Duelists (Guild)

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Dashing Duelists
File:GuildLogo-Dashing Duelists.gif

Keep a Sharp Sword and a Sharper Suit

Guild Founder: Aeliondas
Approx. Population: ~10

Hello and welcome! The Dashing Duelists guild is still a small operation, but we hope to grow in the near future.

What We're About

The Dashing Duelists is a guild for swordmasters whose main goal is to stand out in a crowd. We don't care much as to your skill or level of gear, just as long as you look good. Really. If you can come up with a mind-boggling outfit with 1 star armor, go for it. We'll welcome you in.

Guild Conduct

As with any good guild, we must keep some kind of conduct:

1. No Begging

No begging is allowed in the Dashing Duelists. It's quite unbecoming of a gentleman or lady and, I must add, not very Dashing. Anyone caught begging will be kicked out of the guild.

2. Be Polite

A Dashing Duelist must behave with a certain amount of what some call 'je ne sais quoi.' Really, just behave maturely and friendly and, most of all, Dashing!

...And that's it. I may think of more rules, but this is good right now.

Guild Ranking


A brand-new mate. Not much explanation need. You think you have what it takes to be a Dashing Duelist.


It's official. You're part of the team. You dress sharp and have hung around for a while. Hurray!


You've gone above and beyond in appearances- you look absolutely brilliant and everyone knows it.


A master of garb,gab, and what we call Panache. You are a truly Dashing.

Becoming a Duelist

If you think yourself to be Dashing, send mail to Aeliondas saying so. You can say what you wear, but you don't need to.

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