Exalt (Guild)

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Teamplay or no play

Guild Founder: Artemislx
Approx. Population: 90
Guild Master(s):
  • Mytagfohalo
  • Zeeca
  • Yoshibear
  • Bisento
Guild Officer(s):
  • Sagara-Sk
  • Larpu
  • Sexyven
Website: Website , Forum

About Exalt

We at Exalt see ourselves as a group of good people, we are friendly and nice to each other and enjoy playing Spiral knights. We are pretty active and do regular runs to all bosses including shadow lair ones. Even though most members are tier 3 they gladly play with lower tier members. Exalt has members from many countries around the world so usually there is someone online at any time of day. Useful information for all Exalt members can be found on the Exalt website and on the Exalt forum. Feel free to use them both for all your needs.

How To Join

All nice people are welcome to Exalt. Any member of Exalt can ask an officer or a guild master to invite their friend to Exalt, if someone wants to join on their own, without knowing anyone in the guild they can send a whisper or a mail to one of the following: Zeeca, Yoshibear, Bisento ( in case they do not get a reply in 24 hours they should try the next person on the list )or talk to anyone from Exalt they find in haven. Equipment requirements do not exist but getting in without knowing anyone in the guild would be easier if you already have tier 2 or tier 3 clearance.

Guild Rules

Exalts number 1 rule is be nice to and respectful of your fellow guildies and other Spiral knights players, feel free to use the guild chat for any topic but bear in mind that there are children in the guild. Do not do anything that can bring the Exalt name down or get the guild in trouble.

Members who haven't been online for a long time might get removed if the guild has no room for new members, lower ranking inactive players will be removed first but any removed member should get in contact with someone from the guild to get re invited when he starts playing again and the guild will do its best to make room for him again. If a member left Exalt on his own and if he did so in a nice manner ( with no insults and raging ) he is welcome to rejoin and take back his rightful place at any time ( if a long time passed since the member left he will then rejoin as a recruit or with a slightly higher ranking )

Guild Promotions

Members are in Exalt for a minimum of 2 weeks, have a full 3 star equipment set with at least 1 4 star weapon and have proven them selves to be nice people, they need to know about the basic damage types ( which type of enemy is weak to which type of damage and which type of damage is their basic damage dealt, example: All fiends deal shadow as their basic damage and most fiends are weak to pierce damage ). After meeting all the requirements a recruit can take his test and become a member by passing it, more on tests in the following text. Becoming a member makes them eligible to join our steam group so after they get promoted they can ask for an invite to the group if they are a steam user.

Veterans are in Exalt for a minimum of 1 month, they are required to have full 5 star equipment ( just owning a 5 star set is not enough, that equipment needs to be logical and they need to be able to do most missions with it, example: having all shadow weapons will not make them eligible to become a veteran, owning trinkets is not necessary, 2 weapons are enough ). Future veterans need to be respected amongst guildies, they need to have done all bosses ( not including the shadow lair or the DLC bosses ), they need to have a reasonable amount of knowledge about weapons and enemies. After meeting all the requirements a member can take his test and become a veteran by passing it, more on tests in the following text. A member must be offered to take a test, not everyone who has the equipment and other requirements can expect to be a veteran.

Officers are in Exalt for a minimum of 2 months, they need to have done all bosses and at least 1 shadow lair boss, they need to know all there is to know about monsters and equipment, they need to be very helpful, skillful, wise and mature. When a veteran has proven him self to be an outstanding individual a gm will offer him to take a test and become a officer, more on tests in the following text.


Members test is done in a T2 arena of the veterans choice ( usually the arena in the mission "Rise and fall" ), recruit needs to finish the whole arena without dieing and he needs to spawn the 8 gun puppy wave without any other enemies alive at that moment or with only one extra enemy, if a recruit doesn't know how to do so he should ask his examiner for a explanation on how to safely spawn a 8 gun puppy wave and he should do it before they start the testing. Practice run before the test is recommended. Death or failing to spawn the 8 gun puppy wave clean will result in failing the test and having to wait 2 weeks to retake it. During the test both the recruit taking the test and the examiner are in the arena but the examiner will die at the start and watch the recruit while dead. IF a recruit has difficulty passing an arena he/she should ask for help from a higher ranking member, officer is suggested. The whole point of this test is to help those who have problems running the arenas, passing this test will require them to learn about the wave control in arenas which many people do not know about, learning the correct way to do a arena will make it easier on them to run T3 arenas and help them not to kill their fellow party members in arenas by spawning the 8 gun puppy wave during the time there are other enemies alive.

Veterans test is done in a T3 level, a member taking the test needs to pass a T3 level of the examiners choice, he needs to complete the level without dieing and all enemies on the level must be dead ( danger rooms are not a part of the test ). Levels used are usually a gear symbol ( clockwork tunnels )but beast levels are not used for testing . During the test both the member taking the test and the examiner are in the arena but the examiner will die at the start and watch the member while dead.

Officers test is done in a T3 arena, veteran taking the test needs to complete a T3 arena of the GM's choice without dieing. During this test the GM will be dead and watching the veteran taking the test. All arenas except a beast and gremlin arenas can be used for testing.

Exalt Members

If you or someone else is not in the list or is in the wrong rank section feel free to correct that by editing the page or notifying Zeeca trough mail.



From time to time Exalt will organize some games within the game, a competition or a challenge of some sort, the rules for those minigame's will be displayed here with the results and all the other information needed for that event. If you yourself have a suggestion for such a competition or a challenge or even something else, feel free to talk about it and post a suggestion on the Exalt forum. All the previous events will be saved on the wiki.

Retired knights

This is the list of the retired knights who are expected to make a comeback so they will not be removed from the guild if there is no room for new members, in case you need to be inactive for a longer period of time inform one of the officers or GM's of it so they try and save your spot for as long as possible, in case that isn't possible and you come back to the game not having a guild just contact someone from the guild and ask for a re invite.

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