Legoland (Guild)

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Have fun while being the best!

Guild Founder: Legobuild
Approx. Population: 70
Guild Master(s):


  • Legobuild
Guild Officer(s):


  • Maident

Terexter Grandmaster

Legoland was founded by Legobuild. Who wishes his name could of been Lego2build, however no numbers were allowed in knights names. The guild is based around having fun and helping its guild members through missions and gaining experience. All guild members in Legoland love their guild. Generally new members joining remain a recruit until them have gone through a mission with the Guild Master or an Officer. This is just to keep consistency that once you have gone through one mission with one you are officially a member. To become a veteran it just takes being on and active while helping others out. Our guild rocks!

How to Join

We let most people join our guild, but you must be mature and active.

Recruit: New player that has just accepted invite. Member: Must run a mission with legobuild. Veteran: Must be a member that has been playing for at least 2 weeks or more, and has helped other players. Officer: A lon standing Veteran, who Legobuild trusts. Guildmaster: Must be named Legobuild

Guild Rules

List of rules you must follow:

1. Please,no begging it's annoying and gets on people's nerves. 2. Be mature, you can joke around and stuff but don't be a jerk. 3. No fighting/arguing it brings down the spirit of the Guild. 4. No swearing please, thank you :). 5. And most importantly, have fun!

Guild Events

Sorry none planned right now check again later for updates :).

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