Rising In Power (Guild)

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Rising In Power (R.I.P.)
GuildLogo-Rising In Power (R.I.P.).png

If you aren't in RIP, you must be resting in peace with the others.

Guild Founder: Obeynone, Yirumi
Approx. Population: 90
Guild Master(s):
  • Bo-Bo-Diddly
  • Obeynone
  • Peciul
  • Yirumi
Guild Officer(s):
  • Blitzhawk
  • Frozen-Berri
  • Jcpascalxx
  • Juggaloj
  • Zignega
  • Zivo

Guild Origins

There once were 2 very small guilds looking to gain attention in the world of PvP. While one specialized in the realm of Blast Network, the other preferred the dark corners of Lockdown. Seeking to gain complete dominance over both worlds, the 2 guilds of the Blast Bomb Squad and Asian Invasion merged. Obeynone master of the drink, and Yirumi master of the black market formed the Rising In Power guild.

Guild Activities

So what do we do? We fill those empty slots in Blast Network games. We insert ourselves into your lockdown matches. We raid the terrible Lord Vanaduke's Flaming Storage Cabinet for money. We eat Royal Jelly for breakfast, and Snarbolax steak for dinner. And after a long day we like to sit and socialize. We also tame our pet Roarmulus puppies and mewkats. SL runs are done on request, but only if time permits. SL party requesters should note that adequate equipment is needed or your request will most likely be denied.

How to Join

Simply ask one of our officers or guildmasters for a spot if you meet the requirements listed below.

Stuff to Look Out For

  • Begging Jcpascalxx for money.
  • Blitzhawk's random slaps.
  • Denying Frozen-Berri a hug.
  • Drunk Obeynone.
  • Feeding the pet Zivo.
  • Intentional team-kills by Yirumi.
  • Messing up Zignega's brony mane.
  • Peciul speaking.
  • Touching Juggaloj's Kool-Aid.
  • Bo-Bo-Diddly in general should be avoided.

Important Stuff



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