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Revision as of 13:53, 15 July 2012 by Drew11 (Talk | contribs)

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Drew11 is an account shared by my brother and I, but I am writing this, Isekuube, Hot-Iron, or Lord-Bacon. You may also know me as Hail-Stone, my Steam account. Isekuube is my main, Hot-Iron is my alt, T2 guy, and Bacon, is my derp character, who sucks really :3

Well, you may know me on the Forums, or IG, but you may know that I am currently T3 and has access to DFV though I don't plan to go there soon. I am a many time Shadow Lair and Vanaduke runner and I am a skilled soldier who specializes in Hybriding!

Arsenal- All sorts of thingamabobs!

Wewp, I'll get to this later.

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