User talk:Maget

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Revision as of 22:49, 3 March 2011 by Saphykun (Talk | contribs)

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For the time being, I wouldn't upload any monster shots until we get the names confirmed - this saves us a lot of deletion logs in the updates page since it doesn't appear that we can rename monster images. Until then, you can compile a bunch of shots onto one massive file somewhere, and we'll just snip them out as the names roll out. Saphykun 22:09, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

I think he might by going by the names in the Three Rings folder. Cobalt

There's names? Actually, some of them are guesses based on what names I've heard, and the rest are just generic [element] [monster]. Since uploaded files can't be renamed, I'll stop uploading images of monsters with unconfirmed names. I might dig through the folders and see if there are any names revealed in there. [edit] Oh cool, I can rip names from the resource files. Source: ...\Three Rings Design\Spiral Knights\rsrc\character\npc\monster\. Thanks for the tip, Cobalt. [edit2] Not as good as I thought, actually. I only saw names for the new Lumbers and Chromalisks in there. Maget 22:20, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

Yup, that disappointed me too xD And yeah, there are names. It's most notable with the Lumber series (ice Lumbers are "Silversaps", Lumbers with axes are "Ironwood Sentinels"). You can see some differences in names with the Zombies too (Frozen Shamblers, Slag Walkers, Drouls, etc.). And since you already uploaded some monster images (perfectly cropped, too!), I put them in a compilation of monster images here: You can add to it too, if you like! This way, we can snip them out as names are slowly released. ^^ Saphykun 22:49, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

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