Unity (Guild)

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Together We Stand

Guild Founder: Heron
Approx. Population: 90

Unity Links

About Unity

Tier 3.5 Guild founded on September 10th 2011 by Heron from a combination of former Corps Meltdown and Active members. Since its creation Unity has grown to include many new faces while still maintaining its top standards.

"I am the first Guild Master of Active a guild that long ago was once a force in the Spiral knights world. I created the guild with the idea to become the most powerful and memorable guild in the game. I wanted a guild that was full of skillful people. People who you could run with and enjoy playing with. Back then there was no Lockdown. The only thing for endgame players was Vanaduke. That was core that our guild was built around. We recruited some of the most well known knights throughout our time. We became a force in the Spiral knights world. Our last great moment was when Blast network came out we were number 1 on leader boards for weeks. This was before lockdown and when blast network was the only PVP base game play. After that like all great guilds we fell apart. From our ashes a new guild was formed its name was UNITY. Unity kept much of the ideals of the first. Unity as well became a force in this game. Over time we had our share of disappointments and achievements. Faces came and went. We have yet to fall and we remain strong and determined in keeping Unity around as one of the Elite guilds in this game. Come and join our ranks and keep our history going." (Written By Hollafamer)


Recruitment - Regular Permanent Spot

Unity is a friendly guild exclusively looking for active and mature players. Because the focus of Unity is on Firestorm Citadel and Shadow Lairs, each applicant must meet the following requirements.

Minimum Requirements

  • Good and Mature Attitude
  • Full 5* Set - Preferably with UVs - Including Trinkets and 3rd and 4th Weapon Slots and Weapons
  • Ability to Solo Vanaduke and Complete a Firestorm Citadel run with minimal difficulties


  • Versatile Playstyle
  • Own one 5* Autogun line gun and one 5* Elemental Brandish line sword or a Divine Avenger
  • Familiar with Shadow Lairs

Firestorm Citadel Test Run

  • Each applicant for a Regular Permanent Spot is required to successfully complete a Full FSC test run with one of the officers before joining the guild.
    • Only applies for member status within the guild. To join one simply must ask a Guild Master/Officer to invite them. If a player asks to be tested but is not yet within the guild, upon completion, if succeeded, they are invited and they get promoted to Member status.

Special Temporary Recruitment - Guest Spot

Unity usually keeps 3 Guest Spots for friends from other guilds willing to rejoin them for up to one week.

Be advised that these spots are NOT Permanent Spots and are NOT meant to be used for more than one week. It is usually recommended not using these Guest Spots for more than 3 days.

Minimum Requirements

  • Good and Mature Attitude
  • Friendly to one or more Unity Members


  • Regular 5* Set and Ability to Complete a Firestorm Citadel run with minimal difficulties

No Test Run Required

  • The invitations can come from any Unity Guild Masters or Officers by simple Request. However, no invitations will be sent if any officer suspects the applicant might be permanently leaving his main guild to join Unity on a Guest Spot.

Contact Information for Applicants

How to Contact Unity

  • Directly ask to talk to an Officer in-game when you see someone with the Unity tag (Fastest)
  • Fill up and Send the following Application Form by mail to one of Unity's Guild Masters
  • Fill up and Repost the following Application Form on Unity's Guild Recruitment Thread on the Spiral Knights Forums (Slowest)

Unity's Application Form

  • 1/ What is your IGN?
  • 2/ Do you know anyone from Unity?
  • 3/ How often do you play Spiral Knights?
  • 4/ Which 5* Items do you own?
  • 5/ How many times have you done FSC before? (including Vana)
  • 6/ How many times have you done Shadow Lairs before?
  • 7/ Do you play Guild PvP?

Ranking System


An Applicant is promoted to Recruit by any Unity Officer if he or she:

  • Meets the Minimum Requirements

Maximum Number of Recruits: No Limitation


A Recruit is promoted to Member by any Unity Officer if he or she:

  • Confirmed Recruit Requirements
  • Remains Active / Received No Negative Feedback from the other Members of Unity
  • Has passed the Unity Firestorm Citadel Test Run.

Maximum Number of Members: No Limitation


A Member is promoted to Veteran by any Unity Officer if he or she:

  • Remains Active / Received No Negative Feedback from the other Members of Unity
  • Demonstrates Exceptional Skill or Attitude or Seniority (6 Months+)
  • Has at least 2 Months of Seniority

Maximum Number of Veterans: No Limitation


A Veteran is promoted to Officer by an Election including every Guild Masters or every Guild Masters and Officers if he or she:

  • Remains Active / Received No Negative Feedback from the other Members of Unity
  • Has Participated in Unity Test Runs before and is Familiar with Unity's Minimum Requirements
  • Has a Calm and Composed Attitude (especially when solving conflicts)

Maximum Number of Officers: 12

Guild Master

An Officer is promoted to Guild Master if he or she:

  • Demonstrates Legendary Idling Skills
  • Is Prodigiously Decorative in front of the Auction House
  • Has an Outrageous Whining History on OOO's "Always Moar Hats / No Core For You!" Updates

Maximum Number of Guild Masters: 5

Unity's Core Members

Gm icon.png

Off icon.png

Vet icon.png

Guild Events

We've had many different encounters, specific runs and events. More info shall be added!


Yay videos!

Gm collection clotho (epic) thumb.png
» GM collection - Clotho (epic)
An epic video where Clotho gives us some strange and unique items at the
Vanaduke's throne room.

Bad situation thumb.png
» Bad situation
What would you do when you have one bar of health left and a charged and
cursed blitz...

Vana shadow.png
» Lord Vanaduke (Shadow weapons only)
There it is, Vanaduke boss fight with shadow weapons only.

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