
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 00:24, 23 October 2012 by FiletOFish (Talk | contribs)

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Hey all fellow Knights! The Fish is here with his own page! First of all let me tell you about myself.

About Me

Age: 14

Birthday: 5/28

Gender: Male

Hobbies: Playing video games, playing on the computer, ect.


These are the equips I use.

Helmet: Chaos Cowl lvl 10.

Armor: Chaos Cloak lvl 10. Skolver Coat Lvl 8

Swords: Voltedge Lvl. 10 Barbarous Thorn Blade lvl. 8

Handguns: Storm Driver lvl 10. Sentenza lvl. 7

Bombs: Dark Retrebution lvl. 10.

Shields: Swiftstrike Buckler lvl. 10

Trinkets: None

Other Equips

These are the other equips I have that I don't use.

Helmets: Spiral Sallet Lvl 10

Armor: Spiral Cuirass Lvl 10

Swords: Proto Sword Lvl 10 Spur Lvl 1. (Havent gotten to it yet either) Warmaster Rocket Hammer lvl. 10 (Unless i gotta deal with an AFK)

Handguns: Proto Gun lvl 10

Bombs: Static Flash Lvl. 10 Proto Bomb Lvl 1

Shields: Green Ward Lvl 10 Proto Shield Lvl 10 Plate Sheild lvl. 1 (gunna get Ironmight but havent gotten to it yet)

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