Talk:Guild Hall

From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 02:39, 15 November 2012 by Jetah (Talk | contribs)

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Here are some prices for NPC venues:

Private Training Hall: 1,200,000
Punch & Vice's Workshop: 750,000
Tranquil Snipe Garden: 1,500,000
Coliseum Room: 325,000
Bechamel's Makeover Studio: 350,000

The Auction House, Alchemy Room I do no have prices on as they were already bought previous to taking notes on prices.

Upkeep Pricing

Please add to these the appropriate upkeep and upgrade name. All amounts should be Upkeep per Week.

1 West
1 East
2 West
2 East
2F Central War Room is 25,000
3 West
3 East
4 West
4 East
5F West is 75,000
5F East is 75,000

Jetah 01:24, 15 November 2012 (UTC)

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