Over Powered Noobs (Guild)

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Over Powered Noobs
GuildLogo-Over Powered Noobs.png

"Don't just be a noob, be slightly better then a noob!!!"

Guild Founder: Rogue-Turtle
Approx. Population: 15
Guild Master(s):
  • Rogue-Turtle
  • Heartlessleet
  • Stwhitestorm
Guild Officer(s):
  • Jcaz

And so it began...

The Rogue-Turtle, in pursuit of self-improvement, discovered that he could only go so far by himself. That real strength comes from having something, you hold dear to your heart, to protect.

During this period of time, somewhere isolated and dark, a Heartlessleet rose from the ashes of the once great Kingdom of Almire. Appearing to be some sort of Fallen Ashtail, Heartlessleet understood all to well that he was once dead.

Should it be fate, the Rogue-Turtle found the Heartlessleet wandering and hopeless. It was then that he decided he would help this Heartlessleet figure out his purpose for returning to the Spiral Relm of the living.

As time passed the pair formed an unbreakable bond of friendship and rivalry. The pair possessed skill and power that is seemingly comparable to the Gods of Almire themselves'. Over Powered.. you could say.

During the search to figure out Heartlessleet's purpose the over powered duo wandered into an abandoned workshop that was filled with ghosts and possessed machines, the duo fought their way to the master computer to discover a brave knight fighting for survival...Stwhitestorm

Stwhitestorm has been traveling the workshop to obliterate the chaos at it's source, surviving the ghosts and machines for sometime Storm has become a decent fighter. Rogue-Turtle and Heartlessleet saw potential in this "Divine Crusader" and offered to join forces, the trio is more Over Powered then before!

Over Powered Members

The pair soon decided that they should pass their knowledge, power, and skills on to more people. People who seek to improve just as they do..

"Their power should be shared and so it was.."

A Guild Masters.
Rogue-Turtle & Heartlessleet.
B Third Guild Master.


1. Respect fellow knights, in and/or outside the Guild.

2. Donate 10% of earnings to Guild Treasury to pay for upkeep in Guild Hall every Tuesday between 0000-2359 Central Time Zone or, 1k-3k a day when your online this is a big sign of loyalty to the Guild.

3. Never scam or leech fellow knights in and/or outside the Guild, this will result in an immediate ban from the Guild.

4. Each time a guild member is inactive for 2+ weeks a demotion will be activated until that knight is removed from Guild. That knight has the right to message/mail an Officer or Guild Master for an invitation back into the Guild.

Guild Hall

http://youtu.be/OqdeqtNqzdE OPN HQ.jpg

Ranking Up

In this guild Ranking-Up is a sign of acknowledgement and trust. To do so should not be taken lightly..

The approval of 2+ Guild Masters (Rogue-Turtle, Heartlessleet, Stwhitestorm) means you are truly overpowered in their eyes.

Guild Masters reserve the rights to deny or promote whoever we want. WE DO NOT SHOW FAVORITISM. Ranks are earned.

Recruit - If you accept your invitation then, you will need to get acquainted with your fellow guild members while being active to receive a promotion.

Member - Semi-active with fellow guild members, must be at Knight Elite rank, be able to solo Royal Jelly Palace (Jelly King) and/or Ironclaw Munitions Factory (Roarmulus Twins).

Veteran - Active with fellow guild members, must be a Vanguard, experienced with all Ranked Missions, familiar with all Prestige Missions including Danger Missions.

Officer - This is the highest and most honorary rank we allow in our Guild. Active daily, very loyal and trusted by the entire Guild, a mini Guild Master when the real Guild Masters are offline or busy.


Under reconstruction

If you are interested, please contact Heartlessleet, Rogue-Turtle or Stwhitestorm in game via /Tell or an actual message. You can also leave a reply in our original forum recruitment post, which is still open at the moment[7] --OPNguild 20:33, 7 June 2012 (UTC)

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