Venemous (Guild)

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Outskill to outmatch!

Guild Founder: Infamouspanda
Approx. Population: #26

Venemous a guild that teaches members new to cradle a proper way to play :3. We are a laid back(but sometimes) hardworking guild. we love all members as if related but not by blood. we are open to invite anyone who wants to join (although we would like to have tier 2 gear 2* & up)just tell one of us if you are willing to join. Even though we are new to cradle and the world of SK we've grown in numbers ( and acquired a few vanguard!).

Recruitment info:

Recruit: any gear (preferably 2 star).

Member: Stay in guild for a week.

Veteran: Prove loyalty to the guild and take a vets test in FSC 3 level, (or in lockdown for those who don't like FSC.)

Officer: The second highest rank in the guild be active in the guild for a month, be vanguard, 5 star gear, and the guild will take a vote in officer elections.

Guild Master: Sorry! But we already have enough, but at least you can get officer :).

Origin of Venemous told by Infamouspanda (guild GM and storyteller): One day a lonely knight trudged through the snow. He was in a bad mood he crash landed into this strange planet with nothing, no provisions, friends, nothing at all. As he walked lost the sound of snow crunching under his boots drowned out all noises, For he could not hear the yelling of another knight. As he walked he began to feel pity for himself. Why was life so unfair? Why did it have to be him who landed on a planet away from his friends. He choked back tears of misery as he walked lost with nothing in site. A few minutes later he collapsed in misery his brigandine and pith helm held back no cold. It was Christmas and this was the wort present ever he thought. As he lay there shivering in the cold slipping in and out of consciousness he got warm. This must be a dream he thought, an amazing dream. He opened his eyes and saw only a bright light, as he got into focus he saw a jelly looking into his eyes. But this was no ordinary jelly this was a blue jelly with arms and legs. "wh- who are you?' he asked trembling. " I am Macho-Nacho." he said, his warm voice brought joy to the knights ears. " Who are you?" the jelly asked. " I-I'm Inf-f-famouspanda." "you are new to Cradle aren't you well let me help you up." As infamouspanda looked around him he saw many other people dressed in different things, There was a skeleton looking person with horns, a wolf that was white and another thats was reddish. "where am I?" he asked. :"You are in an abandoned guild hall." the skeleton man said in a gravelly voice. "We have based here ever since Winter started. "why am I here?" he questioned. "well" the jelly said "We found you shriveled up into a ball in the cold we couldn't leave you." Dingo-The_dog here he said, (gesturing to the skeleton) picked you up and brought you here. "He says you have a mischievous twinkle in your eye, one that only comes with a leader." As he said that a loud clattering came from the doorway. Everyone's heads twisted in alert. A huge shape lumbered into the light. When he was able to get a good glimpse of what it was he froze in shock. It had a massive black body with black spikes protruding from it with red tips. " Give me your crowns!" the beast roared. " That's Mr.Snarbolax he eats you if you don't give crowns to him. how could this happen? he thought. These people who protected him getting bullied? A mix of emotions stirred in his stomach and above all rage. HE reached for his proto sword but found a sleek blade there instead. "flourish was labeled on the blade. He looked at his body and saw he was in a yellow version of the white wolf man. He looked at his left arm and found a shield on it labeled defender. Then he refocused on the problem. He looked up and saw his friends giving crowns to the Snarbolax, I must do something he thought. "Thats better" the Snarbolax said. He turned to Infamous "now wheres yours." Dingo tried to say something but Infamous cut him off. "you want them then come get it!. he snarled. He charged at the beast who looked up in surprise then a look of hate. Infamous jumped to slash the beast but a wave of spikes hit him. He fell to the ground a shockwave rippling through his back. The beast towered over him "you think you can beat me well good luck." anger boiled deep inside his chest. He felt a wave of adrenaline and a power he never knew. He got back up and yelled a battle cry. He charged, time seemed to slow down, the flourish hitting the beast, the yowling in pain, it came slowly as if pictures were being shown. Then a huge flash of light threw him back and he flailed in terror as he hit the wall. As he stood up shaking he saw awe in everyone's faces. " That was amazing!" Macho said. "We were planning on making the guild he said but will you be our leader?" He said kneeling before infamous holding 500 ce and 50k crowns. Yes he said and from this day on we will be known as Venemous.

Rules: Be kind to one another ( includes no cursing at each other or making someone log off)

Don't curse (well maybe sometimes if it's really needed.)

Don't beg for crowns or anything guidlies are expected to get them themselves( or just get it from treasury.)

Don't constantly asked to be revived or beg the guild to join you (a good member will just ask once.)

Finally if you want anything just ask a GM and don't constantly pester them.

Breaking one of these rules may be resorted in demotion or removal from guild (or if its really bad Dingo will sing Justin bieber :3.)

Extra content: Some questions to answer if you want to go to the next rank. Recruit questions: Do you like One direction? Does bacon vanilla peanut ice cream taste good? Last of All do you like the guild (describe how much?) Member questions: Do you think Dingo is ugly and annoying? Do you want to do more activities in the guild? Last of all same question as last time. Veteran: If someone in SK was eating a snipe what would you do? What do you think of me (infamouspanda)? Same last question as member? Officer: What questions do you think should be changed? Do you like bacon cheese sugar soda? Any suggestions for the guild?

History: Venemous was founded sometime in 2012, too lazy too check when :/. It was originally made by infamouspanda's alt Macho-Nacho but was disbanded after he stopped playing Macho for infamous. One day Infamouspanda decided to leave his old guild and revive Venemous. Him and Dingo became the new GM's of Venemous to start the guild fresh new and better. They started small but one night Infamous invited clara-ross (who was so loyal she became a GM.) The number of members skyrocketed from there. That was truly the new beginning for Venemous.

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