
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 02:20, 22 December 2012 by Artistbma (Talk | contribs)

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Heya, name's Artstbma. You can call me Art or Artist. I try to be friendly to everyone I meet.

I have over 100 friends and I like to help new players. But anyway, I guess I should tell ya a bit about myself.

I am Tier 3.

I am in the guild Aeternus Imortalitas.

So..Hi my name is Art, and I work in a button factory. Got a cat and a dog and a family.

The highest damage I ever scored on Lockdown was like 18000..and the most kills I've ever done in Blast Network is 6. :P So I'm not the best at Blast Network, Who Cares?

Wanna be my buddy? Contact me on the forums or ingame. I can be your friend. Yup, yes I can.

Art is out. Peace.

Edit: Lol ignore EVERYTHING up dar. :P

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