The Dark Crusaders (Guild)

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The Dark Crusaders
File:GuildLogo-The Dark Crusaders.png

Unity is Strength

Guild Founder: Valloth
Approx. Population: 80+
Guild Master(s):
  • Valloth
  • Wwyvern
Guild Officer(s):
  • Arthur-Ma
  • Cyber-Strike-Blast -I'm 3 people in this guild XD
  • Darkexxod-Co-Op
  • Daynnite
  • De-La-Soul
  • Everlaastingspiral
  • Exotiic-Fakie - Creator of this wiki page :O
  • Matthieu-Pool
  • Spartandvd
  • Zalloth - I'm secretly Valloth shh

Guild Purpose

We strive for excellence, and help everbody reach Vanguard, while making it a fun experience. We will help out each other with simple missions, such as Vanaduke, the Jelly King, or we sometimes do Roarmulus Twins. But all and all we help all people in the guild when they need it.

How To Join

We are actively looking for members so find or pm guild master or officers if you want to join because you know we rock! Some small requirements include: people who are active, but, also need to be strong. We are looking for Tier 2 and Tier 3 players (2 Star Gear and Up). Note: If you are off for 10 days, you will be demoted or kicked.

Guild Rules

As you may have read, you need to be active. Otherwise it's easy to maintain a spot in The Dark Crusaders.

How to get promoted:

  • Recruit to Member- This is automatic. If you are on the guild list, you are a guild Member to us.
  • Member to Veteran- Varies because of activeness and daily logins. (Usually a month)
  • Veteran to Officer- Varies because of activeness and daily logins.(Usually 2-3 months)
  • Officer to Guild Master- Depending on the original Guild Masters decision. Also you must be Tier 3, you must be hugely active in guild, and know guild master very well.

Guild Roster

                                *Last Edited 11/3/2012 at 8:24 PM EST. By Exotiic Fakie
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